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Lesson One INTRODUCTION TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP Module 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Core.

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1 Lesson One INTRODUCTION TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP Module 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Core

2 LESSON ONE OUTCOME You will be able to explain how the spirit of entrepreneurship …. …IMPACTS YOUR PERSONAL LIFE. …IMPACTS YOUR SCHOOL LIFE. …IMPACTS YOUR COMMUNITY LIFE.

3 Lesson One Outline Day One Introduction & Junior Achievement 1. Entrepreneurship Defined Day Two 2. Impact of Entrepreneurship Six benefits Day Three Word Period Day Four Work Period Day Five 3. Career in Business

4 Entrepreneurship is derived from the French word ‘entreprendre’ which means to undertake, to pursue opportunities, or to fulfill needs and wants through innovation or the establishment of business. The Latin word is “prendre” which means to take. The process of creating a venture 1. ENTREPRENEURSHIP and INTRAPRENEURSHIP DEFINED ENTREPRENEURSHIP

5 Intrapreneurship Is entrepreneurship that occurs within an existing organization or corporation Intrapreneurs are employees who are willing to take risks, innovate, provide leadership, and open opportunities to others Organizations encourage Intrapreneurship to become more competitive, improve their productivity, or keep pace with changing markets, technology, and new opportunities.

6 Entrepreneurs are willing to assume calculated risks as they look for ways to satisfy the needs and wants of others through innovation. NEEDS – ARE ESSENTIAL WANTS – HUMAN DESIRES Examples

7 Examples of Innovations & Inventions… Innovation: “binders, hockey bags” Invention: “The Slinky”, garbage bag, paint roller,…..

8 Entrepreneurship Intrapreneurship Needs Wants Innovation Invention opportunity

9 Employee Benefits Consumer Benefits Economic Benefits Political Benefits Social Benefits Community Benefits 2. IMPACT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP..record and brainstorm….benefits under each of the following headings:

10 ITEMCHECKMARK ONLYCOMMENTSMARK FILE IS IN THE FOLDER SUMMARY OF WHAT IS ENTREPRENEURHS HIP? DEFINED IN THE STUDENT’S OWN WORDS 4 IDENTIFY 6 IMPACTS. PLACE A CHECKMARK IF THEY HAVE 6 and provide an explanation 12 Supporting Evidence #1 For 1 of the 6 BENEFITS Inserted 2 Summary 4 Opinion 4 10 Supporting Evidence #2 For 1 of the 6 BENEFITS Inserted 2 Summary 4 Opinion 4 10 ConclusionInsightful 4 PHOTOS (3) 3 PROFESSIONAL 7 TOTAL 50 MARKS ASSIGNMENT #1, LESSON 1 IMPACT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP -- PRESENTATION: NAME: _________________________ 5% of course mark

11 Two videos #1 and #2 entrepreneurship

12 3. Education… A career in business.

13 Where can you work --1. Work for a business Type--Retail, service, manufacturing, or resource Franchise or non franchise Ownership --Properitorship, partnership, corporation, cooperative Position--Clerk to a manager…to a vice- president..and anything in between. --2. Run your own business --3. Teach business courses

14 Certificate One day – to one year Range of business topics Diploma One – to – two years SKPolytechnicSKPolytechnic, SATE, NATE, Colleges

15 Degree- Bachelor Four – Five years Range of business topics U of SU of S, U of L, U of M, U of B, U of R, U of C Degree - Masters One to two years All universities

16 Degree – PHD One to two years All universities Varied topics

17 accounting business management Human resources taxationmarketingAg business ecommerce Operational management

18 Video… Video… VideoVideo

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