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Association of Dorset Watches (ADW) John Shave Chairman

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Presentation on theme: "Association of Dorset Watches (ADW) John Shave Chairman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Association of Dorset Watches (ADW) John Shave Chairman

2 Agenda Who are we? Mission Mission delivery Priorities Recent achievements Work in progress What next?

3 Who Are We? Committee of representatives from Watch groups across Dorset – Police Section/ District, Borough, Division plus Watch Managers & other Police reps Some elected, some selected

4 Mission To complement the work of Dorset Watch Groups in efforts to reduce crime, anti-social behaviour and fear of crime in the community

5 Mission Delivery Represent Dorset Watch Groups to the Police at County level on county-wide issues, requirements and partnership working Represent Dorset Watch Groups to relevant county, regional and national groups e.g. Watch Associations Promote partnership working with Police, Councils and other statutory bodies Share & promote best practice Provide relevant effectiveness aids in the form of services, tools, information and ideas

6 ADW Priorities - Influence Establish regular communication links with Sections & Divisions Facilitate Watch groups communication links with Police within Safer Neighbourhood/ Safer Poole/ Bournemouth 2026 team areas Encourage Watch members to engage in the PACT/ Forum process and, where applicable to participate in PACT Panels/ Forum SGs Encourage Watch groups cooperation within Police Safer Neighbourhood/ Safer Poole/ Bournemouth 2026 team areas

7 ADW Priorities – Add Value Improve communication via: An ADW website A regular news bulletin Spread best practice Spread awareness and benefits of ADW and Watch membership Extend Watch coverage

8 Recent Achievements Influenced Police in selection of new Ringmaster messaging system Stand at Blue Light Day Produced recruitment card Gathered good news stories Re-enforced relevance of Neighbourhood/ Home Watch to Police Divisional Heads Debated support requirements in County Division Ran Carers Conference in Ferndown

9 Work in Progress Website Newsletter Pushing Police for event insurance cover, specialist advice and help, funding Investigating Carers Conference in West

10 What Next? Extend Watch coverage – geographic & community segments e.g. youths, young families, disadvantaged neighbourhoods Give us feedback via your reps – tell us how we can help

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