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Implementing standards with the SDK Theodore Rothschild, Executive Director, Treasury and Securities Services, J.P.Morgan Jamie Harwood, Vice President,

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing standards with the SDK Theodore Rothschild, Executive Director, Treasury and Securities Services, J.P.Morgan Jamie Harwood, Vice President,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing standards with the SDK Theodore Rothschild, Executive Director, Treasury and Securities Services, J.P.Morgan Jamie Harwood, Vice President, Global Financial Messaging, Citi

2 Makes it cheaper and more efficient to build and maintain standards for MX and MT Helping you implement standards A new set of tools and resources for standards implementers Just what you need using the technology you already have S tandards D eveloper K it Designed to help developers stay ahead with XML technology MX Repository Dictionary - Business Components - Message Components - Data Types - Business Actor Message Catalogue MT XML Schema Library MT/XML Converter Reference

3 Standards Developer Kit (SDK) Packaged standards content in machine processable formats –MX repository –MT/XML schemas and sample Java code –Excel spreadsheets for analysts –Translation testing tool Helps implementers create and maintain high quality MT and MX implementations faster and cheaper Commercial product priced: EUR 3,500-33,500 per year 3

4 Customers & vendors 39 customers in 10 months Some existing customers: Citibank, Clearstream, BNY Mellon, Wachovia, Credit Agricole, IBM, SunGard… 3 case studies published on –Clearstream gains 30% efficiency on ISO 20022 implementation 4

5 An implementation perspective on… Market practice Open source technology Education Dealing with change ISO 20022 and enabling internal integration Beyond messaging, e.g. consulting, tools, SDK What should be next for SWIFT e.g. MT Semantic Rules

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