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The Government changed the law so that from the start of the 2013/14 academic year, all young people were required to continue in education or training.

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2 The Government changed the law so that from the start of the 2013/14 academic year, all young people were required to continue in education or training until at least their 18 th birthday.  Full-time study in a school, college or with a training provider  Full-time work or volunteering combined with part-time education or training  An Apprenticeship

3 Post-16 Learning Pathways Assemblies Date Sir John Deane’s College07.09.15 Mid Cheshire College28.09.15 South Cheshire College05.10.15 Reaseheath College12.10.15 Total People (Apprenticeships and Work-Based Learning) 19.10.15

4 DateEvent 17 th June 2015 SJD Partner High School Event 30 th September 2015 Careers Fair November-December Mid Cheshire Workshops Ongoing Careers Adviser Group Sessions/Drop-ins EfL Lessons (Applications/Personal Statements) ‘U-Explore’ Online Careers Package ‘Careers Explorer’ Labour Market Information


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