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Heart Failure Manifestations & Causes

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1 Heart Failure Manifestations & Causes
General Pathology Circulation Disorders - I Heart Failure Manifestations & Causes Jaroslava Dušková Inst. Pathol. ,1st Med. Faculty, Charles Univ. Prague

2 Manifestations of Circulatory Failure
in the heart outside heart

3 Manifestations of Circulatory Failure
in the heart acute failure dilation chronic insuficiency hypertrophy concentric, excentric outside heart

4 Manifestations of Circulatory Failure outside heart
Acute capilarovenous congestion acute venostasis cyanosis (5g% of red. hemoglobin!) cardial hydrops edema Chronic cyanotic induration (spleen, liver, kidney) red induration (lung) venostatic catarrh vessels hypertrophy cardial hydrops edema

5 Cardiac Failure venous pressure capillary pressure cardiac output
arterial volume ADH renin Na & H2O retention plasma volume transudation EDEMA

6 Hypertrophic Heart mechanic and paracrine stimuli
changed geometry concentric & excentric hypertrophy decreased capillary myocytes ratio myocytes & interstitial tissue composition changes fetal proteins synthesis – beta myosin early genes induction c-myc, c-fos, c-jun decreased beta- adrenergic receptors increased oxygen consumption HEART FAILURE

7 Causes of Circulatory Failure (1)
in the heart endocardium (malformations, fibroelastosis) myocardium (cardiomyopaties,inflammations, hypoxia, tumor, trauma) pericardium (inflammations, synechiae, tumors, hemopericardium) neurological reflex (syncopa) in pulmonary circulation in body circulation (cont.)

8 Causes of Circulatory Failure (1)
in the heart endocardium myocardium pericardium neurological reflex (syncope) pressure changes in pulmonary circulation in body circulation hypertension hypotension – shock, collapse

9 Cardiomyopathy Def.: specific (non ischaemic, non inflammatory) heart muscle disease leading to heart failure hypertrophic (obstructive) dilated (congestive) restrictive (obliterative)

10 Causes of Circulatory Failure (2)
in pulmonary circulation acute pulmonary hypertension (pneumonia, pleuritis, embolism) chronic pulmonary hypertension (emphysema, fibrotising processses) COR PULMONALE acutum seu chronicum in body circulation (cont.)

11 Causes of Circulatory Failure (3)
in body circulation hypertension „essencial“ renal endocrine COR HYPERTONICUM COR BILATERALE changed blood composition (cont.)

12 Causes of Circulatory Failure (4)
changed blood composition anaemia plethora oligemia hyperphydremia anhydria (exsicosis) hyperproteinemia hypoproteinemia

13 Shock Def.: hypoperfusion of cells and tissues due to decrease of effective circulating volume

14 Shock - pathogenesis decreased cardiac output redistribution of blood
decreased amount of blood decreased cardiac output redistribution of blood

15 Shock - types & causes cardiogenic
hypovolemic (hemorrhage, fluid loss – burns, vomiting) septic (bacterial infections G- endotoxic, G+ septicemia) neurogenic (anesthesia,spinal cord injury)

16 Shock - stages progressive – cell derangement
early (non progressive - reversible) progressive – cell derangement irreversible – cell death

17 Shock - morphology ischaemic encephalopathy shock lung
shock kidney adrenal hypolipoidosis liver – centroacinar necroses pancreas focal necroses

18 Collapse Def.: temporary disproportion of the blood & vessels volume due to vasodilation (heat, psychogenic stimuli…) mostly self limited, can proceed to shock

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