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Student-Athlete Does Not Use Team Transportation.

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1 Student-Athlete Does Not Use Team Transportation

2 Student-Athlete Does Not Use Team Transportation – 04/02/03 Official Interpretation, Item No. 1 l Not permissible to use the formula if student-athlete does not go home. l May use formula if the student-athlete returns home, either before or after competition. l Student-athlete does not go home but uses team transportation for one leg, he or she is responsible for any other leg of transportation.

3 Exception: Student-Athlete Uses Leg of Team Transportation l Institution may provide the greater of these costs minus the value of the transportation cost of that “leg”: Campus to the event site back to campus; Campus to the student-athlete’s home and back to campus; or The student-athlete’s home to the event site and back home.

4 Student-Athlete Uses Leg of Team Transportation Value of “leg” of transportation provided

5 Exception: Second Trip Home If student-athlete either: l Uses team transportation between campus and the event site, or l Participates in an event in the institution’s home community and l Has also personally paid for a round-trip ticket home during that same vacation period – An institution may provide actual transportation expenses to travel between campus and home on a second occasion during that period.

6 Second Trip Home If the student-athlete uses team transportation fromor Participates in the institution’s home community and during that period has personally paid for a roundtrip from The institution may pay for a second trip home!!!

7 Travel Expenses – Case Study #1 Student-Athlete Trips Source of Transportation Campus-home- campus Student-athlete Campus-bowlTeam Bowl-homeStudent-athlete Home-campusStudent-athlete Costs of Trips Campus-home- campus $500 Campus-bowl- campus $1,000 Home-bowl-home$600 One-way ticket home from bowl $450 Can the institution provide an allowance for the student-athlete? If so, how much?

8 Travel Expenses – Case Study #1 - Answers l Institution may provide an allowance to the student-athlete. l Allowance: $1,000 (greater cost) - $500 (leg of transportation used) = $500 to the student- athlete. l Student-athlete cannot receive actual cost of second trip home. Did not return to campus with team.Did not return to campus with team.

9 Travel Expenses – Case Study #2 Student-Athlete TripsSource of Transportation Campus-home-campusStudent-athlete Campus-bowl-campusTeam Campus-home-campusStudent-athlete If the student-athlete covers his costs for the first trip home what costs may the institution cover?

10 Travel Expenses – Case Study #2 - Answers l Institution may provide actual cost of the student-athlete’s second trip home.

11 Regular-Season Contests – Vacation Period General Rule l An institution may provide team transportation for a student-athlete to travel from campus to the site of a regular-season contest and back to campus.

12 Exception: Student-Athlete Travels to a Site Other Than the Event Site l If student-athlete travels to a site other than the event site during the vacation period, The institution may provide the cost of round- trip transportation from campus to the event site and back to campus (even if the student-athlete does not travel with the team).

13 Student-Athlete Does Not Use Team Transportation l If the student-athlete travels to a site other than the event site… (e.g., home, grandmother’s house, Disney World) l An institution may provide the cost of to and back to campus…

14 Travel Expenses – Case Study #3 Student- Athlete Trips Source Campus-event site Team Event site- home Student-athlete Home- campus Student-athlete Cost of Travel Campus- event site- campus $1,000 Campus- event site- home $1,100 What may the institution provide the student-athlete?

15 Travel Expenses – Case Study #3 - Answers l Institution may provide $1,000 toward the cost of the student-athlete’s trip from campus to the event site to the student-athlete’s home. l Student-athlete is responsible for remaining cost of the trip.

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