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Which liquid makes the lily flower live longest? By Emily Yu.

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Presentation on theme: "Which liquid makes the lily flower live longest? By Emily Yu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Which liquid makes the lily flower live longest? By Emily Yu

2 Question Does different liquid affect the plant ?

3 Hypothisis I think the shampoo water will make the lily live longer.

4 Materials Three new lily plants Three glass cups Some blue paint and black paint Some water A bit of shampoo

5 Procedure First, put 100ml water in the cups. Second, put blue paint in the first cup, then put black paint in the second cup. After that, put the shampoo in the third cup. Thirdly, put one lily in each cup. Then, wait 3 days and check it.

6 Day 1 The first lily with the shampoo had no change. The second with the blue colour had no change. The third one with black colour had no change.

7 Day 2 The flower with shampoo is still white, but the leaves is softer than before now. The one with blue paint is the best by now, it is same as yesterday. The one with black paint is going to die, it is already brown.

8 Day 3 The one with shampoo died. The one with blue colour is still alive but a little bit brown. The one with black paint died as well.


10 Conclusion : I found out that the water with blue paint survived the longest.

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