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Published byAllen Wilkerson Modified over 9 years ago
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 1 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 MISSION OVERVIEW AND STATUS Vassilis Angelopoulos THEMIS was selected on March 20, 2003 as the next NASA/MIDEX mission (#5) to study the: Onset and evolution of magnetospheric substorms Addresses a 30yr old question (the holy grail) in magnetospheric physics A 5 spacecraft (probe) mission Single launch vehicle (Delta 2925) Launch on October 19 of 2006 In Tail (midnight) on February 21, 2007/2008 Two year nominal duration Details at:
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 2 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Covered in this presentation Mission objectives Redundancy and resilience Overview of launch and placement RCS, ACS and Operational modes Outline
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 3 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Status PDR – peer: Oct 8/9/15/16, 2003, Mission: Nov 13-14, 2003 Confirmation Readiness Review – [Original: Dec’03] GSFC, Feb 4, 2004 Confirmation Review – [Orig. Dec’03] Attempt: HQ, Mar 4, 2004 (Aborted) Confirmation: April 22, 2004 –GSFC direction to further reduce I&T schedule risk –Developed better I&T flow, validated by GSFC Engineering –Developed 2 month slack in I&T flow, pushing launch to 10/2006 (slot=10/19/2006) –Added P1 end magnetics EMC/EMI verification and calibration test –Added pressurant tank: increased mission deltaV to help: »mass posture (refocus bus on instrument hosting); »bus development schedule; »a compressed ascend and commissioning scenario –Lost dawn sector conjunctions; but kept ascend schedule contingency –Design work kept-on full steam (Instr. and BAU ETU production & testing) –Test plans being detailed; test GSE/software/adl.TV tanks being built –Instr. ETU vibration this week, electrical tests ongoing; TV tests ongoing Instrument ETU I&T: July 2004. MCDR followed by flight instrument fabrication start: Jun 14, 2004.
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 4 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 T IME H ISTORY OF E VENTS AND M ACROSCALE I NTERACTIONS DURING S UBSTORMS (THEMIS) RESOLVING THE PHYSICS OF ONSET AND EVOLUTION OF SUBSTORMS Science Team Principal Investigator Vassilis Angelopoulos, UCB Program Manager Peter Harvey, UCB Mission Operations Manager Manfred Bester, UCB GSFC technical partnership Mark Beckman, MESA (former GN&C) Industrial Partner SWALES Aerospace, Inc., Beltsville MD
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 5 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Auroral eruptions and substorms Auroral eruptions… Aurora …are a manifestation of magnetospheric substorms MAGNETOSPHERE SOLAR WIND EQUATORIAL PLANE
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 6 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Most important science result and its science impact Answers how substorms operate – Explains how magnetospheres process solar wind energy –Explains how auroras erupt MERCURY: 10 min EARTH: 3.75 hrs JUPITER: days ASTROSPHERE GALACTIC CONFINEMENT SUBSTORM RECURRENCE:
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 7 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Mission elements Probe conjunctions along Sun-Earth line recur once per 4 days over North America. Ground based observatories completely cover North American sector; determine auroral breakup within 1-3s … … while THEMIS’s space-based probes determine onset of Current Disruption and Reconnection each within <10s. : Ground Based Observatory
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 8 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 First bonus: What produces storm-time “killer” MeV electrons? Affect satellites and humans in space Source: – Radially inward diffusion? – Wave acceleration at radiation belt? THEMIS: –Tracks radial motion of electrons Measures source and diffusion Frequent crossings –Measures E, B waves locally ANIK telecommunication satellites lost for days to weeks during space storm
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 9 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Second bonus: What controls efficiency of solar wind – magnetosphere coupling? Important for solar wind energy transfer in Geospace Need to determine how: – Localized pristine solar wind features… – …interact with magnetosphere THEMIS: – Alignments track evolution of solar wind – Inner probes determine entry type/size
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 10 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 THEMIS is unique and timely Solves major long-standing question in magnetospheric physics (NAS) –Self-sufficient, ideally complements current SEC line –Global context for Cluster (2006/7), MMS (2010), LWS (Rad. Belt Storm Probes: 2012) A scientific and technological pathfinder for future SEC missions –Pre-requisite to Space Weather prediction –Identifies causal relationships for MagCon –Low cost highly integrated probes in anticipation of future Constellations Inspires K-12 students –Hands-on involvement of high-school students: ground magnetometer curators First University-managed multi-satellite project –Expands NASA partnership with Academia –Trains scientific, technological and industrial workforce of future
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 11 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Covered in this presentation Mission objectives Redundancy and resilience Overview of launch and placement RCS, ACS and Operational modes Outline
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 12 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Identical instrumentation provides high science margins and fault tolerance Instrument redundancy: –SST-ESA energy overlap –FGM-SCM frequency overlap –P1/P2 redundant instrumentation (only directional flux needed in one of two). Each probe has: 1FGM 1ESA (i/e) 2SSTh (2heads, i/e) 1SCM 4EFIs (4spin plane) 2EFIa (2axials) Selected instruments built en masse before Instruments required to achieve Primary Mission Objective Measurement goalsP1P2P3P4P5 Time History of Events P3,4&5 monitor CD P1,2 bracket Rx t res <30s, Y<±2R E FGM 1SSTh 2EFIs FGM ESA 2SSTh 2EFIs FGM ESA 1SSTh FGM ESA 1SSTh FGM ESA 1SSTh Macroscale Interactions Track rarefaction wave, inward flows, Poynting with B<1nT, V/V~10% FGM ESA FGM ESA FGM ESA FGM ESA Radial/cross-sheet pressure, velocity and current gradients require P/P~ V/V ~ B/B ~10%, non-MHD FGM ESA FGM ESA 2EFIs FGM ESA 2EFIs FGM ESA 2EFIs Cross-tail pairs measure FLRs, KH, ballooning on B, V, P @ 10s and fast modes on B xyz and E xy @ 60 Hz FGM ESA SCM FGM ESA SCM 4EFIs 2EFIa FGM ESA 2EFIs FGM ESA SCM 4EFIs 2EFIa TOTAL Minumum mission (Red) Baseline add-ons (green) FGM 1SSTh 2EFIs FGM ESA 2SSTh SCM 2EFIs FGM ESA 1SSTh SCM 4EFIs 2EFIa FGM ESA 1SSTh 2EFIs FGM ESA 1SSTh SCM 4EFIs 2EFIa
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 13 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Probe conjunctions well understood BASELINE: >10 substorms achieved w/ 5 probes in 2 yrs & 20% margin. MINIMUM: >5 substorms achieved in 1yr w/ 4 probes (at margin >2). – computations include lunar, solar, drag, J2 terms – Y P1/2/3/4/5 <±2R E ; Z P3,4,5/NS <±2R E ; Z P1,2/NS <±5R E Ascent design is optimal for science – maximizes conjunctions, minimizes shadows … immune to launch insertion errors – small, piece-wise Vs increase placement fidelity … and immune to probe insertion errors. – Can withstand insertion error of V=40cm/s on any probe ( V control is 100 times better; knowledge requirement is 3 times better, capability is >10times better) Actual conjunction times in 1 st year
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 14 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Descope list and science-related risk mitigation factors Re-positioning allows recovery from failure of critical instruments on some probes Graceful degradation results from partial or even full instrument failures –Instrument frequency and energy range overlaps –Complete backup option for EFI radials (need 2 in most probes but have 4) –Relaxed measurement requirements (1nT absolute is not permitted to drive team, but rather a nicety) –Substorms come in wide variety; can still see large ones with degraded instruments Minimum mission can be accomplished with a reduced set of spacecraft requirements –EMC and ESC requirements important for baseline but less severe for minimum mission –Observation strategy can be tuned to power loss (turn-on/off) and thermal constraints (tip-over/back) –Fuel and mass margins for 1 st year (minimum) are 30% larger than for a two year (baseline) mission
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 15 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Covered in this presentation Mission objectives Redundancy and resilience Overview of launch and placement RCS, ACS and Operational modes Outline
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 16 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Probe Carrier Assembly (PCA = 5 Probes + Probe Carrier) on L/V Probe Carrier Assembly (PCA = 5 Probes + Probe Carrier) on L/V Probe Carrier Assembly (PCA) on Delta 3 rd Stage Delta II Launch From KSC Dedicated Delta 7925-10 10’ Composite Fairing required to accommodate five Probes on the Probe Carrier in the “Wedding Cake” configuration PC stays attached to Delta 3 rd stage after probe dispense minimizing orbital debris Each probe dispense from the PCA is coordinated with but independent of the other probes No single probe anomaly precludes dispense of remaining probes Boeing provided ordnance fired from 3rd stage blows all clampbands to initiate separation Standard Delta 10 ft. Fairing Static Envelope 3712 PAF THEMIS Launch Configuration Star 48 3 rd Stage
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 17 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Mission profile is robust Pre-Launch (6hrs) Launch (25min) Check-out & ascend (60days) Science ops (2yrs) Re-entry Checkout Countdown 2 nd stage burn Spin-up 3 rd stage burn Spin-down Probe dispense Bus check-out, reor Dply mags/check instr. Place to Orbit. - 6 side thrustings - 6 reor/fire/reor sequences Deploy EFI Minor ctrl ops (all): – 22 side-thrustings – 2 inclination changes Minor ctrl ops (Side-thrusts, finish by EOM+9mo) - 8 side-thrustings Passive re-entry thereafter (1-10yrs) Fuel consumption, maneuvers and contacts during ascend: validated with GMAN.
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 18 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Mission overview: Fault-tolerant design has constellation and instrument redundancy D2925-10 @ CCAS Instrument I&T UCB Mission I&T Swales Encapsulation & launch BGS Operations UCB Probe instruments: ESA: Thermal plasma (UCB) SST: Super-thermal plasma (UCB) FGM: Low frequency magnetic field (TUBS/IWF) SCM: High frequency magnetic field (CETP) EFI: Electric field (UCB, LASP) Ground SST ESA EFIa EFIs FGM SCM T spin =3s
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 19 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Covered in this presentation Mission objectives Redundancy and resilience Overview of launch and placement RCS, ACS and Operational modes Outline
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 20 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Probe bus is a single string design with selected redundancy Power positive in all attitudes with instruments off (launch, safe hold modes) Passive thermal design using MLI and thermostatically controlled heaters tolerant of longest shadows (3 hours) –Spin stabilized probes point within 13° of ecliptic south and have inherently stable thermal environment S-Band communication system always in view of earth every orbit at nominal attitude. In view for greatest part of orbit in any attitude Passive spin stability achieved in all nominal and off-nominal conditions Monoprop blow down RCS (propulsion) system is self balancing on orbit Antenna 4x Side Solar Panels Top Deck 4x Radial EFIs Axial EFI Booms SCM Boom FGM Boom 2x Top Solar Panels 2x SSTs 2x Tang. Thruster RCS Fill / Drain Valves ESA Sun Senor IRU Bus Overview
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 21 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Blowdown N2H4 system design Two Interconnected tanks Lightweight, High Performance System Robust, self-balancing fuel management (as on ISEE, ACE) Components flown on dozens of missions, integrated by Aerojet Readily Available Components Arde Inconel propellant tanks on order Carleton P/N 7149 pressurant tank from ST5 All other components are off the shelf Robust Thruster arrangement provides for partial redundant function with degraded performance Meets all Range Safety Requirements Heritage design based on ISEE-3 and ACE Reaction Control System (RCS): A Hydrazine Orbit/Attitude Control System
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 22 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Propulsion System Recent Upgrade for Additional Fuel Tanks are launched 93% full Initial blowdown occurs quickly One time actuation of pressurant tank Repress back to full pressure Larger volume depressurizes slowly
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 23 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 24 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 ACS sensors Sun Sensor provides spin pulse and elevation angle FGM science sensor doubles up as TAM ACS sensor Two Solid State Gyros (Inertial Reference Units) for tactical use; provide x, y
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 25 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Slew/precession control –Sun synchronous thrusting –Major circle reor performed by piece-wise continuous Rhumb line reor Spin up/down –Continuous and/or sun synchronous Axial thrust –Continuous Side thrust –Sun synchronous thrusting None of the above (i.e., no thrusting) = “safe mode” –Fault protection to return to “none of the above” if anomaly is detected Thrusters commanded off under following conditions: –Sun aspect angle out of bounds –Spin rate out of bounds –Thruster control electronics Watch Dog Timer time out –Processor reboot RCS operational modes
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 26 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Repress system (pressurant tank) –Can carry 9kg more fuel by filling up tanks to 93% Spin axis near ecliptic South (was near-North) –Saves 4.5kg of fuel or 120m/s equivalent delta V; thermal solution benefits too. –Near axial thrusting for main inclination change after boom deployment –Accept beta inefficiency and correct resultant plane changes at apogee or perigee Target Orbit Tuned: Reduced prg, increased inc, new 3 data –PRG: 600km->305km: Now 2 nd and 3 rd stage are ODA compliant, at ~4% V cost. –INC: Inc. 9deg->9.5 Increased launch mass by 20kg (800kg -> 828kg); adl. 1% V. –Validated stable apogee for >2mo., but lunar phasing with UT, RAAN, APG dispersions still TBD –APG: new 3 data (apg uncertainty 2400km -> 7400km) at 12% V cost. –NEW baseline V increased: 566m/s -> 628m/s. ACS: Reor along major circle via Rhumb line sections –Sufficient command load capability to account for up to 20 reor sections ACS: Transmit gyro data to ground, integrate angles near real time –Simpler to implement, sufficient time to abort, sun sensor still does RT limit checks Major relevant design changes since PDR
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 27 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Backup Slides
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 28 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Baseline L1 Req’s pertaining to orbit design S-2 Current Disruption Onset Time –Determine current disruption onset time with t_res<30s, using two near-equatorial (within 2Re of magnetic equator) probes, near the anticipated current disruption site (~8-10 Re). Current disruption onset is determined by remote sensing the expansion of the heated plasma via superthermal ion flux measurements at probes within +/-2Re of the measured substorm meridian and the anticipated altitude of the current disruption. S-3 Reconnection Onset Time –Determine reconnection onset time with t_res<30s, using two near-equatorial (within 5Re of magnetic equator) probes, bracketing the anticipated reconnection site (20-25Re). Reconnection onset is determined by measuring the time of arrival of superthermal ions and electrons from the reconnection site, within dY=+/-2Re of the substorm meridian and within <10Re from the anticipated altitude of the reconnection site. ….. S-4 Simultaneous Observations –Obtain simultaneous observations of: substorm onset and meridian (ground), current disruption onset and reconnection onset for >10 substorms in the prime observation season (September-April). Given an average 3.75hr substorm recurrence in the target tail season, a 2Re width of the substorm meridian, a 1Re requirement on probe proximity to the substorm meridian (of width 2Re) and a 20Re width of the tail in which substorms can occur, this translates to a yield of 1 useful substorm event per 18.75hrs of probe alignments, i.e, a requirement of >188hrs of four-probe alignments within dY=+/-2Re.
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 29 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 S-6 Earthward Flows –Track between probes the earthward ion flows (400km/s) from the reconnection site and the tailward moving rarefaction wave in the magnetic field, and ion plasma pressure (motion at 1600km/s) with sufficient precision (dV/V=10% or V within 50km/s whichever is larger, dB/B=10%, or B within 1nT whichever is larger, dP/P=10%, or P within 0.1nPa whichever is larger) to ascertain macroscale coupling between current disruption and reconnection site during >10 substorm onsets (>188hrs of four-probes aligned within dY of +-2Re). S-7 Pressure Gradients –Determine the radial and cross-current-sheet pressure gradients (anticipated dP/dR, dP/dZ ~0.1nPa/Re) and ion flow vorticity/deceleration with probe measurement accuracy of 50km/s/Re, over typical inter- probe conjunctions in dR and dZ of 1Re, each during >10 onsets. The convective component of the ion flow is determined at 8-10Re by measurements of the 2D electric field (spin-plane to within +- 30degrees of ecliptic, with dE/E=10% or 1mV/m accuracy whichever is larger) assuming the plasma approximation at t_res<30s. S-8 Cross-Current Sheet changes –Determine the cross-current-sheet current change near the current disruption region (+/-2Re of meridian, +-2Re of measured current disruption region) at substorm onset from a pair of Z-separated probes using the planar current sheet approximation with relative (interprobe) resolution and interorbit (~12hrs) stability of 0.2nT. S-10 Cross-Tail Pairs –Determine the presence, amplitude, and wavelength of field-line resonances, Kelvin-Helmholz waves and ballooning waves on cross-tail pairs (dY=0.5-10Re) with t_res 10 substorm onsets. … continued: Baseline L1 Requirements
THEMIS MsnOps peer CDRIntro: Mission Overview and Status- 30 SAI, Jun 1-2, 2004 Minimum L1 Req’s pertaining to orbit design Current Disruption Onset Time –Determine current disruption onset time with t_res<30s, using two near-equatorial (within 2Re of magnetic equator) probes, near the anticipated current disruption site (~8-10 Re). Current disruption onset is determined by remote sensing the expansion of the heated plasma via superthermal ion flux measurements at probes within +/-2Re of the measured substorm meridian and the anticipated altitude of the current disruption. Reconnection Onset Time –Determine reconnection onset time with t_res<30s, using two near-equatorial (within 5Re of magnetic equator) probes, bracketing the anticipated reconnection site (20-25Re). Reconnection onset is determined by measuring the time of arrival of superthermal ions and electrons from the reconnection site, within dY=+/-2Re of the substorm meridian and within <10Re from the anticipated altitude of the reconnection site. ….. Simultaneous Observations –Obtain simultaneous observations of: substorm onset and meridian (ground), current disruption onset and reconnection onset for >5 substorms in the prime observation season (September-April). Substorm statistics discussed in S-4 point to a requirement of >94hrs of four probe alignments. Lifetime –THEMIS instrument and spacecraft shall be designed for at least a 2-yr lifetime Launch –THEMIS will be launched into an orbit with R a =12Re, R p =1.1Re and INC=9.5deg, prior to 03/2007. –Launch window = 40 min –Prefered (not required) launch season = August 2006 +/- 2 months (now October 19, 2006).
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