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Site practice notes.

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1 Site practice notes

2 Lightweight plasters Bonding. Skimcoat. Board finish.
Basecoat plaster. Floating coat.

3 Advantages Can be floated and finished in one day.
Three times lighter than sand and cement. Lightweight plaster has better insulation value than sand and cement.

4 Internal plastering Scud all walls.
Stick plasterboard slab to underside of window lintel. Set angle beads around window ensuring they are level and plumb. Apply render and straighten with “straight edge” ensuring all angles are straight. Float walls with wooden or fibreglass float. Insert four or five panel pins through the top of float. Devil float” wall. Skim walls when cured.

5 Internal surfaces Sand and cement render. Bonding. Plasterboard.
Floating coat. Basecoat plaster.

6 Plastering terms Aggregate. Suction. Arris. Additive Ashlar jointing.
Dado. Crazing. Curing. Dubbing out. efflorescence. green suction Scudding.

7 Quoin stones Fix a prepared rule to the corner of the wall allowing 18mm thickness for render. Fix a second rule 450mm away from corner. Apply a bed of render between rules and float. The stones are then marked both horizontally and cut out. The stones are then cut vertically and every second stone is halved and surplus material is cut away. The process is repeated on the opposite side corner. Make good with float.

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