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Phylum Chordata Notochord…flexible rod that gives support during development Usually disappears when backbone develops.

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1 Phylum Chordata Notochord…flexible rod that gives support during development Usually disappears when backbone develops

2 Lancet

3 Subphylum Vertebrata Vertebrae (backbone ) made of bone or cartilage Skull that protects the brain Endoskelton made of bone or cartilage

4 Fish Adapted to live in water –Streamlined shape –Muscular tail –Paired fins (ventral, dorsal, pelvic, pectoral and caudal) –Mucus secretions to decrease friction Chemoreception (“smell”)…sense chemicals in water Lateral line…small canals in skin to sense vibrations in water

5 Jawless Fish Class Agnatha Includes hagfish and lampreys Eel-like bodies, skeleton of cartilage, unpaired fins Parasites…feed off of other body fluids…scrape through skin

6 hagfish lamprey

7 Cartilagenous Fish Class Condrichthyes Sharks, rays, skates Skeleton entirely of cartilage…flexible, lightweight Skin has placoid scales …tooth like spines Reproduce by internal fertilization, lay eggs or live birth

8 Sharks, rays, skates


10 Placoid scales

11 Bony Fish Class Osteichthyes Skelton made of bone Swim bladder for buoyancy Gills for gas exchange (a few have lungs) Smooth scales cover body Lobe-finned fish…have flesh parts to fins Ray finned …no flesh in fins, most fish you know

12 Lobe finned fish Coelocanth Lungfish

13 Ray finned fish

14 Bony Fish Circulation: 2 chambered heart, closed system with arteries, veins and capillaries Kidneys and gills for excretion Well-developed brain External reproduction, lay eggs in a mass

15 Egg mass

16 Amphibians Class Amphibia Live part of live on land and part in water Frogs, toads, salamanders Indirect development (metamorphosis)

17 Amphibians Respiration: –through moist, thin skin, no scales, mucus layer to keep moist –with gills –with lungs Circulation: 2 circulatory systems –Pulmonary… heart to lungs and back –Systemic… heart to body and back –3 chambered heart … blood mixes

18 Amphibians Webbed feet, no claws Lungs, gills and skin for respiration! Internal fertilization, egg mass Order Anura –“tail less” –frogs, toads

19 Amphibians Kidneys for excretion Well developed brain & senses of sight ( nictitating membrane protects eyes underwater), smell, hearing ( tympanic membrane )

20 Amphibians Order Caudata –Salamanders Order Gymniophona –Caecilian (look like legless snakes)

21 Anura… “tailless”

22 Caudata (salamanders)

23 Gymnophiona (caecilian)

24 Amphibian metamorphosis Spring peeper Not all amphibians undergo metamorphosis, but the ones that do have similar steps

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