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Published byEstella Fletcher Modified over 9 years ago
Chapter 4 Informed Search and Exploration
Outline Informed (Heuristic) search strategies (Greedy) Best-first search A* search (Admissible) Heuristic Functions Relaxed problem Subproblem Local search algorithms Hill-climbing search Simulated anneal search Local beam search Genetic algorithms Online search * Online local search learning in online search
Informed search strategies Informed search uses problem-specific knowledge beyond the problem definition finds solution more efficiently than the uninformed search Best-first search uses an evaluation function f(n) for each node e.g., Measures distance to the goal – lowest evaluation Implementation: fringe is a queue sorted in increasing order of f-values. Can we really expand the best node first? No! only the one that appears to be best based on f(n). heuristic function h(n) estimated cost of the cheapest path from node n to a goal node Specific algorithms greedy best-first search A* search
Greedy best-first search expand the node that is closest to the goal : Straight line distance heuristic
Greedy best-first search example
Properties of Greedy best-first search Complete? Optimal? Time? Space? No No – can get stuck in loops, e.g., Iasi –> Neamt –> Iasi –> Neamt Yes – complete in finite states with repeated-state checking, but a good heuristic function can give dramatic improvement – keeps all nodes in memory
A* search evaluation function f(n) = g(n) + h(n) g(n) = cost to reach the node h(n) = estimated cost to the goal from n f(n) = estimated total cost of path through n to the goal an admissible (optimistic) heuristic never overestimates the cost to reach the goal estimates the cost of solving the problem is less than it actually is e.g., never overestimates the actual road distances A* using Tree-Search is optimal if h(n) is admissible could get suboptimal solutions using Graph-Search might discard the optimal path to a repeated state if it is not the first one generated a simple solution is to discard the more expensive of any two paths found to the same node (extra memory)
: Straight line distance heuristic
A* search example
Optimality of A* Consistency (monotonicity) n’ is any successor of n, general triangle inequality (n, n’, and the goal) consistent heuristic is also admissible A* using Graph-Search is optimal if h(n) is consistent the values of f(n) along any path are nondecreasing
Properties of A* Suppose C* is the cost of the optimal solution path A* expands all nodes with f(n) < C* A* might expand some of nodes with f(n) = C* on the “goal contour” A* will expand no nodes with f(n) > C*, which are pruned! Pruning: eliminating possibilities from consideration without examination A* is optimally efficient for any given heuristic function no other optimal algorithm is guaranteed to expand fewer nodes than A* an algorithm might miss the optimal solution if it does not expand all nodes with f(n) < C* A* is complete Time complexity exponential number of nodes within the goal contour Space complexity keeps all generated nodes in memory runs out of space long before runs out of time
Memory-bounded heuristic search Iterative-deepening A* (IDA*) uses f-value (g + h) as the cutoff Recursive best-first search (RBFS) replaces the f-value of each node along the path with the best f-value of its children remembers the f-value of the best leaf in the “forgotten” subtree so that it can reexpand it later if necessary is efficient than IDA* but generates excessive nodes changes mind: go back to pick up the second-best path due to the extension (f-value increased) of current best path optimal if h(n) is admissible space complexity is O(bd) time complexity depends on the accuracy of h(n) and how often the current best path is changed Exponential time complexity of Both IDA* and RBFS cannot check repeated states other than those on the current path when search on Graphs – Should have used more memory (to store the nodes visited)!
: Straight line distance heuristic
RBFS example
Memory-bounded heuristic search (cont’d) SMA* – Simplified MA* (Memory-bounded A*) expands the best leaf node until memory is full then drops the worst leaf node – the one has the highest f-value regenerates the subtree only when all other paths have been shown to look worse than the path it has forgotten complete and optimal if there is a solution reachable might be the best general-purpose algorithm for finding optimal solutions If there is no way to balance the trade off between time an memory, drop the optimality requirement!
(Admissible) Heuristic Functions h1?h1? h2?h2? = the number of misplaced tiles = total Manhattan (city block) distance = 7 tiles are out of position = 4+0+3+3+1+0+2+1 = 14
Effect of heuristic accuracy Effective branching factor b* total # of nodes generated by A* is N, the solution depth is d b* is b that a uniform tree of depth d containing N+1 nodes would have well-designed heuristic would have a value close to 1 h 2 is better than h 1 based on the b* Domination h 2 dominates h 1 if for any node n A* using h 2 will never expand more nodes than A* using h 1 every node n with will be expanded the larger the better, as long as it does not overestimate!
Inventing admissible heuristic functions h 1 and h 2 are solutions to relaxed (simplified) version of the puzzle. If the rules of the 8-puzze are relaxed so that a tie can move anywhere, then h 1 gives the shortest solution If the rules are relaxed so that a tile can move to any adjacent square, then h 2 gives the shortest solution Relaxed problem: A problem with fewer restrictions on the actions Admissible heuristics for the original problem can be derived from the optimal (exact) solution to a relaxed problem Key point: the optimal solution cost of a relaxed problem is no greater than the optimal solution cost of the original problem Which should we choose if none of the h 1 … h m dominates any of the others? We can have the best of all worlds, i.e., use whichever function is most accurate on the current node Subproblem * Admissible heuristics for the original problem can also be derived from the solution cost of the subproblem. Learning from experience *
Local search algorithms and optimization Systematic search algorithms to find (or given) the goal and to find the path to that goal Local search algorithms the path to the goal is irrelevant, e.g., n-queens problem state space = set of “complete” configurations keep a single “current” state and try to improve it, e.g., move to its neighbors Key advantages: use very little (constant) memory find reasonable solutions in large or infinite (continuous) state spaces (pure) Optimization problem: to find the best state (optimal configuration ) based on an objective function, e.g. reproductive fitness – Darwinian, no goal test and path cost
Local search – example
Local search – state space landscape elevation = the value of the objective function or heuristic cost function global minimum heuristic cost function A complete local search algorithm finds a solution if one exists A optimal algorithm finds a global minimum or maximum
moves in the direction of increasing value until a “peak” current node data structure only records the state and its objective function neither remember the history nor look beyond the immediate neighbors like climbing Mount Everest in thick fog with amnesia Hill-climbing search
complete-state formulation for 8-queens successor function returns all possible states generated by moving a single queen to another square in the same column (8 x 7 = 56 successors for each state) the heuristic cost function h is the number of pairs of queens that are attacking each other Hill-climbing search - example best moves reduce h = 17 to h = 12local minimum with h = 1
Hill-climbing search – greedy local search Hill climbing, the greedy local search, often gets stuck Local maxima: a peak that is higher than each of its neighboring states, but lower than the global maximum Ridges: a sequence of local maxima that is difficult to navigate Plateau: a flat area of the state space landscape a flat local maximum: no uphill exit exists a shoulder: possible to make progress can only solve 14% of 8-queen instance but fast (4 steps to S and 3 to F)
Hill-climbing search – improvement Allows sideways move: with hope that the plateau is a shoulder could stuck in an infinite loop when it reaches a flat local maximum limits the number of consecutive sideways moves can solve 94% of 8-queen instances but slow (21 steps to S and 64 to F) Variations stochastic hill climbing chooses at random; probability of selection depends on the steepness first choice hill climbing randomly generates successors to find a better one All the hill climbing algorithms discussed so far are incomplete fail to find a goal when one exists because they get stuck on local maxima Random-restart hill climbing conducts a series of hill-climbing searches; randomly generated initial states Have to give up the global optimality landscape consists of a large amount of porcupines on a flat floor NP-hard problems
Simulated annealing search combine hill climbing (efficiency) with random walk (completeness) annealing: harden metals by heating metals to a high temperature and gradually cooling them getting a ping-pong ball into the deepest crevice in a humpy surface shake the surface to get the ball out of the local minima not too hard to dislodge it from the global minimum simulated annealing: start by shaking hard (at a high temperature) and then gradually reduce the intensity of the shaking (lower the temperature) escape the local minima by allowing some “bad” moves but gradually reduce their size and frequency
Simulated annealing search - Implementation Always accept the good moves The probability to accept a bad move decreases exponentially with the “badness” of the move decreases exponentially with the “temperature” T (decreasing) finds a global optimum with probability approaching 1 if the schedule lowers T slowly enough
Local beam search Local beam search: keeps track of k states rather than just one generates all the successors of all k states selects the k best successors from the complete list and repeats quickly abandons unfruitful searches and moves to the space where the most progress is being made – “Come over here, the grass is greener!” lack of diversity among the k states stochastic beam search: chooses k successors at random, with the probability of choosing a given successor having an increasing value natural selection: the successors (offspring) if a state (organism) populate the next generation according to is value (fitness).
Genetic algorithms Genetic Algorithms (GA): successor states are generated by combining two parents states. population: s set of k randomly generated states each state, called individual, is represented as a string over a finite alphabet, e.g. a string of 0s and 1s; 8-queens: 24 bits or 8 digits for their positions fitness (evaluation) function: return higher values for better states, e.g., the number of nonattacking pairs of queens randomly choosing two pairs for reproducing based on the probability; proportional to fitness score; not choosing the similar ones too early
Genetic algorithms (cont’d) schema: a substring in which some of the positions can be left unspecified instances: strings that match the schema GA works best when schemas correspond to meaningful components of a solution. a crossover point is randomly chosen from the positions in the string larger steps in the state space early and smaller steps later each location is subject to random mutation with a small independent probability
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