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Introduction to IWA. The IWA is based on a patented, next generation design called the Internal Wing Aircraft. The concept brings three separate wings.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to IWA. The IWA is based on a patented, next generation design called the Internal Wing Aircraft. The concept brings three separate wings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to IWA

2 The IWA is based on a patented, next generation design called the Internal Wing Aircraft. The concept brings three separate wings together, creating a horizontal vortex between the top and bottom wings which increases the mass and velocity of the airflow over the front and bottom wings. IWA

3 The Coanda (front wing) and the Internal Wing (bottom wing) produce most of the lift. The Coanda also turns the mass flow down onto the bottom wing increasing the lift on the wing. The vortex, which is created between the two surfaces, increases the overall mass flow and the velocity of the airflow as it passes through the system; the increased mass and velocity of the air flow helps to off-set the drag created by three wings.

4  Coanda nozzles are capable of augmenting thrust. Gains of up to 38 percent have been reported. The three wings are a Coanda Nozzle which combines to use energy more efficiently.  Propulsion by negative drag which is induced by the Coanda Effect creates a low pressure on the front of the plane and a high pressure on the rear, producing thrust which cuts fuel rates extending flying time and range.

5 The triangulated structure of the wings creates the strongest and lightest structure possible. The Coanda induces a turn in the flow which causes a slight gyroscopic stability. The wing is arranged with dihedral which increases the dynamic stability. The top wing increases the overall lift and functions like a large stabilizer; it is arranged with anhedral, which also improves dynamic stability.

6 Problem Statement There is a growing need for Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) UAVs can serve as surveillance, reconnaissance, and strike aircraft in a combat area UAVs can also serve as a remote fire fighter or for cargo missions, but they must be able to produce enough lift to carry the loads A new type of UAV has been proposed called the Internal Wing Aircraft (IWA) to meet this demand Preliminary analysis has shown that the aircraft has the potential to carry large loads at a fraction of the wing area

7 Significance of Problem The three wing configuration has the potential to provide more lift than a traditional two wing aircraft Flow over the top of the Coanda accelerates, so the top of the top wing sees a higher velocity

8 Results and Deliverables The goal of the project is to generate a baseline for analysis of future IWA configurations 1.The project will produce the following data: a. Drag Polar Curves b. Coefficient of Lift vs Angle of Attack c. Thrust & Power curves d. Pitch, Yaw, and Roll Moments e. Stability Graphs 2.Final report summarizing of the results and suggested improvements for design

9 Intellectual Contributions Development of a preliminary design process that will be used by others to study this aircraft Use of Taguchi’s Parameter Design to determine optimal settings using Orthogonal Arrays Experimental data on a new type of airframe


11 Thrust is pumped over the Coanda to provide lift for climbing or descending and for directional control POWER & CONTROL Mass Augmentation CCW

12 Aviation: –Decreased fuel requirements –Increased range –Increased payload –Short takeoff and landing –Superior stability even in high wind conditions –Rugged Design Mars: –Compact and durable inflatable airframe –Lighter than air airframe and components –Long lasting power source –Using NASA Nuclear Technology –Increased wing area –Mass augmentation system –Simple control system –Rugged Design BENEFITS

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