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Teens And Tobacco Addiction  Addiction-psychological or physical need for a drug or other substance. –Nicotine is the addictive substance in tobacco.

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Presentation on theme: "Teens And Tobacco Addiction  Addiction-psychological or physical need for a drug or other substance. –Nicotine is the addictive substance in tobacco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teens And Tobacco Addiction  Addiction-psychological or physical need for a drug or other substance. –Nicotine is the addictive substance in tobacco.  Nicotine leads to more diseases and death than all other addictions combined.

2 Teens And Tobacco Addiction  Withdrawal-unpleasant symptoms one experiences when they stop using an addictive substance. –Anxious –Irritable –Hungry –Depressed –Tired

3 Teens And Tobacco Addiction  Psychological dependence-an addiction in which people believe that they need a drug to feel good or function normally. –They may feel it’s a necessary part of their routine. –Need to change habits or routine to break dependence.

4 Teens And Tobacco Addiction  Physical dependence-an addiction in which the body develops a chemical need for the drug. –When nicotine is low, the body needs more. –Person won’t feel comfortable until they get another dose. –Relief doesn’t last long, and you need to take larger doses to produce the same effect (tolerance).

5 Why Teens Begin Using  Peer pressure  Wanting to look cool  Celebrity endorsements  Family members do it  Look more mature  Too hooked to quit  Curious

6 Why Teens Begin Using  Rebel  Advertising

7 Smoking Facts  42% of teen smokers become regular smokers.  1/3 of smokers will die from tobacco related illness.  12-14 million people use smokeless tobacco. –1/3 are under the age of 21. –More than half start before the age of 13

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