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„The importance of the need of computability for proper waterways” Szalma Botond Plimsoll Kft - Fluvius Kft.

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Presentation on theme: "„The importance of the need of computability for proper waterways” Szalma Botond Plimsoll Kft - Fluvius Kft."— Presentation transcript:

1 „The importance of the need of computability for proper waterways” Szalma Botond Plimsoll Kft - Fluvius Kft

2 Title: Streamlining at the Danube In order to have streamline at the Danube we need proper and maintained waterways all way long for 330 days/calendar years at least! Perspective today:

3 Programs and magic words The more we have the happier we are! Dialogues – Working groups - SWOT Stakeholders Conference – round table Status reports - Overview – regular update Sustainability - Environmental friendly ideas Opinion leaders – steering groups Declaration – progress reports – road maps Recommendations - Projects Final study

4 TEN-T Core Network Corridors 4 Core Network Corridors relevant for Danube Region: A.Rhine-Danube Main cordinator must be the Danube Commission

5 Danube Commission(Secretariat) and European Commission (DG MOVE) sign arrangement to develop and improve navigation on the Danube River Such cooperation will be of benefit to the inland navigation sector, which needs a coherent and efficient governance framework to realize its full potential and improve navigability on the Danube River Coordinated maintenance of the river-infrastructure is the backbone for a prosperous future of the Danube's navigation Remember : we had the Danube Ministers meeting ( 3rd December 2013 Brussels ) Something started?

6 Bad news about our industry Tom Metcalf and Roxana Zega, Copyright 2012 Bloomberg Seven sections regularly fall below the 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) of draught required of an “international waterway” as defined by the United Nations Economic Commission, according to the Budapest-based Danube Commission. Navigation on the lower river was impossible for more than 38 days in September and October last year because of insufficient water levels, according to the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm. Vienna-based Helogistics Holdings GmbH, a subsidiary of Swiss iron ore producer Ferrexpo Plc, halted shipments between Constanta, Romania’s No. 1 port, and Budapest in March, saying that shallow waters had made operations “almost impossible.” Lack of clearance means barges are frequently loaded to only 50 percent of capacity to ensure a smooth passage, driving up costs and delaying deliveries, said Jurgen Sorgenfrei, a consultant on maritime and hinterland issues at IHS Global GmbH. “Cargo ends up waiting at locks and gets stolen,” said Frankfurt-based Sorgenfrei. “The captain wakes up next morning and some of the containers are open.”

7 Like parrots: Still actual Inland waterway transport can contribute to the sustainability of the transport system, as recommended by the European Commission's White Paper: European Transport Policy for 2010 „Time to Decide".

8 G7 Transport Ministers' statement on transport infrastructure investments (17 September 2015) The global wealth pyramid of modern economies clearly illustrates that infrastructure and mobility are the foundation for growth, prosperity and jobs. However, this is also a time when conventional means of investing and delivering transport infrastructure are increasingly constrained. New approaches must be adopted to transport infrastructure investments and project delivery in the same spirit of innovation as in the development of transport technology itself. The need to identify adequate and sufficient resources and cost effective ways to modernize and maintain existing and build new infrastructure. The need to explore the opportunities and challenges of alternative means of paying for infrastructure including "user pays" systems. The G7 Transport Ministers agree to continue the dialogue on new approaches to funding and PPPs by engaging in an exchange of ideas and experience on best practices, including on strategies for the appropriate allocation of investment risks between the private and public sectors, options for ring-fencing sources of revenue, effective methods for controlling costs and an efficient and coherent regulatory framework for funding.

9 Fact and figures (historical) (1000 mto) Year Total Hungarian turnover TranzitTotal international trafficDomestic traffic TotalExportImport 19802 6551 2791 3765 6658 3209 819 19852 6671 4631 2047 1219 7888 044 19883 9562 1661 7908 86512 8215 516 19893 8162 2991 5178 35212 1686 980 19903 5212 2531 2687 10910 6304 109 19912 9561 6831 2735 5768 5322 756 19923 1752 0131 1624 7247 8993 204 19932 7101 9747361 9514 6613 122 19943 0522 3347182 2735 3252 936 19953 7222 8408822 3866 1083 529 19963 2892 2741 0153 6676 9563 122 19973 3702 4908804 4617 831 19984 9493 6181 3314 8419 790 19993 6892 8408499174 606

10 Fact and figures (historical) Goods transport on German inland waterways

11 Daily headaches

12 Efficiency of Danube transport suffers extremely from reduced draught at shallow water sections water levels can not be predicted which creates losses of carriage capacity & revenues transport costs per ton can increase up to 100% for long distance transportation (source: Pro Danube) Guaranteed minimum standards for infrastructure based on UN/ECE – AGN are needed; with regard to fairway this means for Danube: minimum draught of 2.5 m at least on 300 days on average per year These minimum standards can not be compensated by fleet innovation, ergo the slogan: (Neanderthal-man) “adapt the vessels to the river and not the river to the vessels” creates a dangerous fiction and ignores basic economic facts 12

13 Inland waterway transport committee 22 July 2014 and 7th November 2013 (Crisis committee ) …There is presently no support from large part of the inland waterway transport industry itself ……as the publicly organised scrapping of lay-out schemes for vessels…. Sailing below costs (overcapacity) More transparent market observation Technical requirements and „greening” – TRAP for US!

14 Logistic infrastructure of DaHar ports (TG 1) Transformation of inland waterway ports into logistics hubs The initiatives of “Same river –same rules” have to be supported by EU regulations Port hinterland connections (TG 2) Danube ports need to be connected by efficient rail (double electrified tracks) road (at least an express way) to, at least, one core TEN-T corridor. Development of Danube container and Ro-Ro services (TG 3) Ensuring state of technology fairway maintenance and operation of locks. Modernization of Danube fleet, and intermodal port facilities. Strong mandate for future TEN T coordinator. River Information Services (TG 4) Deployment of RIS on the German section of the Danube and on the entire Rhine, in order to create a unique information system on the EU‘s Rhine – Danube Corridor. Steps forward & progress

15 Postulates Make it clear: The Danube works for Europe as the economic backbone of it We must have workable economic and transport concept (medium and long term) Immediate regulation of the river Danube The Danube Commission must have leading position (like CCNR - Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine) Revise Belgrade Convention

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