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Comparison of Catch Data from the California Steelhead Fishing Report-Restoration Card and the Recreational Angler Survey for the Smith River (Del Norte.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparison of Catch Data from the California Steelhead Fishing Report-Restoration Card and the Recreational Angler Survey for the Smith River (Del Norte."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparison of Catch Data from the California Steelhead Fishing Report-Restoration Card and the Recreational Angler Survey for the Smith River (Del Norte County) Terry Jackson California Department of Fish and Game


3 California Steelhead Fishing Report-Restoration Card



6 Can we compare to “validate” catch estimates from two methodologies? Differences to overcome Recreational Angler Survey Boat – Access Survey, trip completed Shore – Roving Survey, trip incomplete CPUE adjusted by trip hours and species present (Chinook, Steelhead, Coho, Cutthroat) Steelhead Report Card Anglers not always recording unsuccessful trips Low returns to DFG

7 Mean Catch Per Angler Trip

8 Total Catch

9 Mean Fishing Hours Per Angler Trips

10 Report Card Phone survey to determine hours fished on the Smith River per day for anglers, and boat or shore preference. StratumAvg Hrs% boat% shore 07.025.0%75.0% 15.835.7%64.3% 26.575.0%25.0% 36.172.2%27.8% 46.977.8%22.2% 57.850.0% all6.563.5%36.5% Angler Survey

11 Total Fishing Hours

12 Total Angler’s Trips

13 Comparing Apples with Oranges What did we learn? Challenges to overcome. Nearly everything significantly different (p<0.01), except some catch estimates and total hours fished Possible: Angler Survey under estimates hours per trip or over estimates number of trips, thus lower catch estimates Possible: Report Card over estimates catch per trip with non-recorded unsuccessful trips (under estimates number of trips), thus higher catch estimates VERY challenging, a lot of weighting, not really comparable.


15 Questions? Statistical: please contact Gary He Steelhead catch data Terry Jackson

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