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Science And Technology Conor Kemp Will Dobson Connor Haupt Alec Guttas.

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1 Science And Technology Conor Kemp Will Dobson Connor Haupt Alec Guttas

2 Chapter 11 Middle Ages Longbow British got it from Welsh Used to counter French cavalry armed with crossbows during hundred year’s war Much faster and stronger than crossbow Without the crossbow, French would easily beat English Longbow could pierce armored knights, no reason to wear heavy armor now 1.htm for more on the hundred year’s war 1.htm

3 Chapter 12 Renaissance Brunelleschi’s dome Florence Amazing example of architecture during the Renaissance Leonardo invented various gadgets

4 Chapter 13 Reformation Printing Press Actually invented during Renaissance Allowed for quick production of books, magazines, and novels Lutheran’s ideas could spread faster Formation of Protestantism

5 Chapter 14 Exploration Lateen sails Allowed ships to sail against the wind Able to make voyages to the new world Responsible for expansion and colonization

6 Chapter 15 State Building Peter the Great of Russia After seeing western Europe he tried to westernize Russia This included bringing Western technology back to Russia. Many of his reforms improved Russia’s military alsall/mod/petergreat.html for more information of his reforms alsall/mod/petergreat.html

7 Chapter 16 Scientific Revolution Church was challenged in Reformation Thoughts toward a geocentric view of the world Nicolaus Copernicus- sun in the center of the universe, book on revolution of plantes Tycho Brache- studied the stars on his island, took an apprentice by the name: Kepler

8 Cont. Johannes Kepler- orbits of planets elliptical, planet’s orbit times are different, faster toward the sun Galileo Galilei- objects move at accelerated speeds until stopped, principle of inertia ^ church called him a heritic, forced him to recant his theories Church now views science as a threat

9 Cont. 2 Isaac Newton- book principia, laws of gravitation, for more information on Principia

10 Chapter 17 Enlightenment Medicine Universities started to stress clinical experience Surgeons had more training, dissected corpses, studied anatomy Physicians became licensed

11 Chapter 18 International Wars One of the most important products of European industry in 18 th century was textiles. Woolen cloth made up 75% of Britain's exports. Richard Arkwright invented the water frame Was power by either horse or water and was able to fulfill the large demand for yarn because of its revolutionary spinning speed.

12 Chapter 19 French Revolution The French Revolution was a time of panic and disorientation, thus there was no time to think about advances in science Guillotine was invented to quickly and painlessly decapitate its victims during the revolution Before, nobles and peasants were killed differently, so the guillotine (invented by Dr. Guillotine) stood for equality as well as terror.

13 Chapter 20 Industrial Revolution The steam engine was invented by James Watt. Revolutionized production of goods. Allowed factory system to spread to other areas of production. Richard Trevithick pioneered first steam powered locomotive. Revolutionized transportation of goods.

14 Cont. George Stephenson was able to improve the speed capacity of the steam powered locomotive. In 1830 Stephenson’s Rocket clocked at 16 miles per hour.

15 Cont. 2 Factories were created Allowed technology to replace skill Skilled workers were becoming obsolete Working conditions were much worse than the workers were used to when working from home http://www.spartacus.s hments.htm Child Labor http://www.spartacus.s hments.htm

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