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Presenter: Jennifer D. Street, LCSW Class Meeting Week Eight.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: Jennifer D. Street, LCSW Class Meeting Week Eight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Jennifer D. Street, LCSW Class Meeting Week Eight

2  Welcome

3  Agenda  Agenda  Announcements  Learning Goals  Resource of the Week  Is it ethical??  Practice Behaviors  Review Questions  Chapter 8 Learning Activities  Questions  Wrap-Up

4  Announcements  Mid-Term Discussion  Biopsychosocialspiritual assessment is based on the video of the case of Jane  Clarify Grading  DQ 1=10  DQ3=10  Week 4 Engagement/Paraphrasing=20  Week 6 Rx Planning=10  DQ 14=10  Biopsychosocialspiritual Assessment=100  Case Presentation=100  Video Tape Skills Demo=100  Video Tape Analysis Paper=100  Mid-Term=100  Final=100  TOTAL 660  Mid-Term reminder of policies:  3.0 Cumulative GPA  Attendance Requirements

5  Module 8 Assignment: Bio-psycho-social-spiritual assessment The Biopsychosocialspiritual assessment paper is due next week by Sunday at 11:59. You can start working on the paper this week. Click on links below to view the video and the assignment instructions. Students will observe a video in class from which you will develop a bio-psycho-social-spiritual assessment and intervention plan. An outline to follow for this assignment is attached to this assignment. The paper length is approximately seven (7) pages. 2. Students will select a theoretical approach from class (behavioral, client- centered, cognitive, ego psychology, systems, etc) as a foundation for the assessment. 3. Write a one-page discussion of the rationale for selecting this approach, i.e. how did you select this method for working with this client? What research exists that supports your choice? Include at least 2 references to support your choice. The one page discussion of the theoretical approach will be the first page of the Bio-psycho-social-spiritual Assessment. 4. The following five pages of the paper will be the Bio-psycho-social-spiritual Assessment that includes two measurable goals and objectives. This would be the type of report that might be used for a custody evaluation or in-patient assessment. Use the format attached to this assignment for your assessment. 5. The final part of this assignment will be a condensed Bio-psycho-social diagnostic summary, similar to one that might be found in a medical hospital chart. This would highlight what is viewed as the most important aspects of the five page in-depth assessment - utilize the format attached to this assignment for your diagnostic summary. SWK530_Biopsychosocial_diagnostic_summary_format.doc SWK530_Biopsychosocialspiritual_Assessment_Rubric.pdf SWK530_Biopsychosocialspiritual_Assessment_Guideline.doc The Case of Jane Biopsychosocialspiritual Assessment

6  Learning Goals By the end of class today, students will be able to:  Identify and exemplify practice behaviors 33, 34, 35 & 38  Utilize the “Six Anger Styles” with a client  Demonstrate competence in ethical decision making  Teach stress management coping skills to a client  Complete assessment questions related to chapter 8  Understand and demonstrate mastery of client coping skills

7  Practice Behaviors 33. Assess client strengths and limitations 34. Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives 35. Select appropriate intervention strategies 38. Help clients resolve problems

8  Resource of the Week Six Anger Styles




12  Is It Ethical????

13  Is it ethical??? Scenario 4: “Cynthia is an outpatient therapist at a hospital and has a client she sees for obsessive compulsive disorder. The client is a successful business man with several companies, and he offers her an unbelievable chance to invest in a company he just started that has the potential to make millions. Cynthia refuses to talk about it during the session, but she arranges to meet him for coffee after work. She decides to invest in this new company.” Taken from Horn, Thomas © 2011 “Is it ethical?: 101 Scenarios in everyday social work practice, a discussion workbook”

14  Is it ethical???, cont’d  Is Cynthia engaging in ethical behavior? If so, explain your reasoning. If not, explain.  How might this arrangement effect their therapeutic relationship?  How should Cynthia handle this ethical dilemma? Taken from Horn, Thomas © 2011 “Is it ethical?: 101 Scenarios in everyday social work practice, a discussion workbook”

15  Chapter Eight Highlights Role Play a client/counselor session in which you are assessing for the impact of stress on your client and then teaching a stress management skill of the client’s choosing: Positive Imagery Breathing Exercises Muscle Relaxation You have 10 minutes to be the client and 10 minutes to be the therapist

16  Review Questions

17  Question 1  1) According to Burns (1990), a person diagnosed with an alcohol or drug dependent disorder may state, "I'll only have one beer. That won't hurt me. In fact, I’ll feel better" This is an example of which cognitive distortion? A)Denial B)Fortune telling C)Emotional reasoning D)None of the above.

18  Question 2 2.) Lang and Jakubowski discuss five different types of assertion. Which of the following is NOT one of the types? A)Basic assertion B)Confrontative assertion C)Aggressive assertion D)Empathic assertion.

19  The ToolBox Teaching Client’s Coping Skills

20  Let’s practice… In what type of client or client situation would you use the following strategies?  Cognitive therapy(cognitive distortions, negative self- talk, rational responses)  Assertiveness Training  Anger Management  Stress Management  Stress Inoculation  Crisis Management  Dialectical Behavior Therapy  Motivational Interviewing (transtheoretical)

21  Exercise

22  Role Play 1  Divide into pairs. Practice using ego-supportive techniques with a client who is experiencing feelings of anger toward his/her boss.

23  Role Play 2  With a partner in a role play situation, practice using the three steps of systematic desensitization with a client experiencing generalized anxiety.

24  Role Play 3  Establish a token economy for an eight year old child diagnosed with autism. Include schedules for reinforcement, thinning, shaping, and time-out from reinforcement. The primary goal is to assist the client in improving skills for potty training.

25  Role Play 4  While working in pairs, practice educating the person role playing a client regarding the concepts associated with the ABC model of cognitive therapy. Then practice using both cognitive and behavioral techniques to help improve the client’s depressed mood.

26  Questions?

27  Did we meet our learning goals??? By the end of class today, students will be able to:  Identify and exemplify practice behaviors 33, 34, 35 & 38  Utilize the “Six Anger Styles” with a client  Demonstrate competence in ethical decision making  Teach stress management coping skills to a client  Complete assessment questions related to chapter 8  Understand and demonstrate mastery of client coping skills

28  For Next Week… At this point, you should have completed everything from Modules 1-8 This week, complete:  Module 9  Turn in Biospychosocialspiritual assessment

29  Have a great week!

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