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What is a Compact?. An Agreement between the statutory sector and the voluntary and community sector in an area How to communicate effectively and fairly.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Compact?. An Agreement between the statutory sector and the voluntary and community sector in an area How to communicate effectively and fairly."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Compact?

2 An Agreement between the statutory sector and the voluntary and community sector in an area How to communicate effectively and fairly Principles (in dark blue book) and specific commitments (in codes, other colours) Usually consists of core text plus codes of practice

3 Different Levels A Compact for Southend on Sea National Compact

4 The Present Context Services increasing commissioned by statutory sector from third sector Recession – squeeze on all funding Renewed National Compact Localism and Big Society

5 A Compact for Southend on Sea The core document. Contains principles, general statements

6 A Compact for Southend on Sea There are five codes that make up the Compact: Volunteering Community Groups Black and Minority Ethnic VCS organisations Funding Code Consultation & Policy Appraisal

7 Teeth or no teeth Compact commitments generally not legally enforceable The power of embarrassment Using the Compact to make disputes and harmful actions is less likely in the first place

8 Appointing Compact Champions All new signatories to the Compact are asked to appoint one Often just one but in large agencies one per department In larger agencies the champion should have access to the Chief Executive

9 Different kinds of Champions Friends in high places: a supportive director etc Pusher and mover within organisation, also linking to others in similar roles outside Doer: someone who implements Compact commitments in their day job.

10 Mediation and Advocacy Advocacy: when a third sector organisation wants help to make it’s case in a dispute, it can use the National Compact Advocacy Scheme Mediation: Two or more sides in a dispute agree to a third party trying to find a solution which they may accept or reject. Arbitration: Organisations in dispute agree to a third party investigating and making a binding ruling.

11 Resolution of Disagreements Southend on Sea Compact The Compact sets out a general framework for enhancing the relationship between statutory organisations and the voluntary and community sector. As far as possible disagreements over the application of that framework should be resolved between the parties. Where resolution is not possible, both parties should seek mediation through a mutually agreed mediator. Any disagreements which arise throughout the year will be monitored for consideration at the annual review meeting.

12 Contacts Celia Clark, Chair, Compact Strategy Group, SAVS partnership@savs- 01702 356081partnership@savs- Compact Voice,


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