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Towards implementation of Post 2015 DRR framework : Asian Stakeholders’ group round table Second IAP Meeting of 2014, 02-04 December 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards implementation of Post 2015 DRR framework : Asian Stakeholders’ group round table Second IAP Meeting of 2014, 02-04 December 2014, Bangkok, Thailand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards implementation of Post 2015 DRR framework : Asian Stakeholders’ group round table Second IAP Meeting of 2014, 02-04 December 2014, Bangkok, Thailand Sujit Mohanty UINISDR Asia Pacific

2 Session objective Stakeholder commitments in 3 WCDRR (to be submitted in 2 weeks) Strategize the future direction of the Asian Stakeholder groups Report back to IAP members on the collective vision/ mission of the Asian Stake holder groups

3 Stakeholder groups Importance of stakeholder engagement for DRR has been established by HFA, global platforms and regional platforms The Zero draft of the Post 2015 DRR framework puts a prime importance on stakeholders and their commitments In Asia, Ten stakeholder groups voluntarily engaged in 5 th and 6 th AMCDRR and provided statement of commitments IAP has been the main forum for engagement

4 Asian Stakeholder groups 1.Mayors and Local Governments 2.Asian Civil Society Organizations 3.Children, Youth and Child-Centered Organization 4.Parliamentarians 5.Individuals and organizations concerned with disability 6.Individuals and organizations concerned with Women and Gender Issues 7.Private Sector on Disaster Risk Reduction 8.Scientific, Academic and Research Stakeholders 9.National Societies of Red Cross and Red Crescent 10.Media

5 Key issues and challenges Guiding principles and stakeholder engagement strategy/ guidance developed through the IAP Engagement at varied level and often ad-hoc Commitments are often not measurable Monitoring the progress in implementation of the commitments have been challenging Voluntary vs. accountability Sustainability of the momentum Resources to engage stakeholder groups

6 Key questions/ issues for discussion 1.How do the Asian stakeholder groups (SHGs) see themselves implementing the Post 2015 framework? 2.What is the self-sustainability and continuation strategy of the SHGs? 3.What kind of structure (formal or informal) would be required to make the SHGs more sustainable? 4.How the SHGs will ensure that the commitments are followed up and actions are taken? (Accountability issues, need for monitoring, reporting vs. self assessment etc)? 5.What would be the linkage with the commitments to be made at the 3 WCDRR?

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