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DEX Publication Project OASIS PLCS TC Face-to-face meeting 1 October 2007 Trine Hansen.

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Presentation on theme: "DEX Publication Project OASIS PLCS TC Face-to-face meeting 1 October 2007 Trine Hansen."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEX Publication Project OASIS PLCS TC Face-to-face meeting 1 October 2007 Trine Hansen

2 2 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 DEX Publication Project 1st Oct 07 Flashback Status Resource Commitments

3 3 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Flashback… TC meeting Huntsville 2 Nov 2006  Input from Core team: Establish a coordinated project to complete what we started  Agreed 4 DEXs as scope for the up-coming ‘DEX Publication Project’  US ready for active involvement  Action on DNV to send out request for contributions for the project  Action on NDLO and DNV to write a project plan

4 4 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Flashback… Deadline for contribution to the project  12 January 07 First Steering Group meeting 9 February 07  Project plan accepted  Core Team established Kick-off meeting for the Core Team  13 – 14 February 07

5 5 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Flashback… PM proposes a revised project plan 23 April 07:  Revised scope (reduced from 4 to 3 DEXs)  Revised schedule for some activities due to lack of resources  End date: 1 October 2007 assuming satisfactorily access to resources Beginning of September 07  Lack of resources have been reported by the Project Manager for approx. 6 months  PM contacted Chair and deputy Chair: Not possible to deliver according to plan because of the funding situation. Proposes to phase the deliverables into two: First delivery containing the two Task DEXs  PM put the review activities on hold in case reduced scope is accepted

6 6 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Flashback… 11 September 07 – Steering Group telecon  PM proposes two phases of the deliveries  Phase 1 delivery: Two Task DEXs No capabilities  Phase 2 delivery: Aviation Maintenance DEX Capabilities 14 September 07  UK confirmation about funding for Aviation maintenance DEX  Still no funding for completion of the capabilities  Phase 2 delivery

7 7 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Commitment Status

8 8 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Steering Group NDLO: Tor Arne Irgens (Chairman) BAE Systems: Howard Mason (Deputy Chair) FMV: Mats Elgh UK MOD: Martin Gibson LOGSA: Jim Colson DNV: Nils Sandsmark EPMT: Jorulv Ragnes Eurostep: Torbjörn Holm Role of Steering Group: Responsible for resources Role of Project Manager: Deliver according to specification

9 9 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Overall Status Assuming Capabilities are not part of the first project delivery: 3 DEXs ready for publication end November 07 Main challenges:  Access to resources the following 8 weeks  Issue: Update of 40 templates according to review comments have no funding

10 10 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Phase 2 delivery Total 1784 hours (approximately – according to original estimates) Develop Capabilities: 594 h Review Capabilities: 700 h (includes ref data) Update Capabilities according to review comments: 490 h

11 11 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Project main activities 1. Management 2. Core Team Activities 3. TOG Support Management 4. Check lists and Processes 5. DEXLib infrastructure 6. DEXlib Help section 7. Develop, review and update templates 8. Develop, review and update capabilities 9. Develop and harmonize DEXs 10. Review and update DEXs 11. Preparations for establishing Implementers Forum 12. Final report

12 12 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #1 - Management This activity runs according to plan

13 13 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #2 - Core Team Activities This activity runs according to plan

14 14 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #3 TOG Support Management Identifies OASIS requirements for having the DEXs ready for publication:  Completed Discuss procedures for handling request for external support such as training and consultancy services  Not started Requirements for tool support of future TOG management activities will also be identified  Not started

15 15 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #4 Check lists and Processes Completed checklists  Templates  Help documents Checklists not completed:  Reference data  DEX  Capabilities (established, but has to be updated)

16 16 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #5 DEXLib infrastructure This activity runs according to plan Consists of sub-activities Templates Acceptance test plan Longform generation Part 28 generation Business DEXs Business Objects Release environment Usage reporting tool General maintenance Configuration change management Configuration management of reference data Publication as standards

17 17 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #6 - DEXlib Help section This activity has been on critical line for some time. The following documents have been produced: ‘Short Introduction to PLCS Components’: Reviewed ‘PLCS? Why should I care?’: Reviewed Reference data process: On-going

18 18 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #7 – Develop, review and update templates Total number of required templates for the three DEXs  Total: 107 (17 are ‘common’)  Task DEXs: 85  Aviation Maintenance DEX: 39 Template Development status  91 ready for review  8 not created (Task DEX)  8 in work Template review status  21 have been through review (  70 left) Updates according to review  Templates assigned to NDLO for review have been updated according to checklist as far as possible prior to review  No other updates done so far

19 19 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #8 – Develop, review and update capabilities Phase 2 delivery

20 20 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #9 - Develop and harmonize DEXs Progress according to plan  Model harmonization probably completed this week  2 more workshops for reference data harmonization

21 21 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #10 - Review and update DEXs Review started (Task DEXs)

22 22 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #11 – Preparations for establishing Implementers Forum This activity is not started.

23 23 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Activity #12 – Final report This activity is not started.

24 24 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 The following slides lists resource re-commitments needed for the next 8 weeks

25 25 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments NDLO Task DEX harmonization (includes reference data) Review templates (24 left) Participate in issue resolving discussions DEXLib infrastructure Core Team activities Check lists Update Task DEX according to review comments Preparations for Implementers forum Status: Funding and resources are available

26 26 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments FMV Task DEX harmonization (reference data included) Template development (5 left) Template review (33) Participate in issue resolving discussions Update templates according to review comments (36) DEXLib Help section Core Team activities Check lists Update Task Set DEX according to review comments

27 27 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments UK MOD Participate in issue resolving discussions (21) Update templates according to review comments (21) Core Team activities Update Aviation Maintenance DEX according to review comments

28 28 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments DNV Project Management Final report

29 29 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments BAE Systems Template development (5) Update templates according to review comments Template review (7) Participate in issue resolving discussions Task DEX review Core Team activities

30 30 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments EPMT Template review (13) Participate in issue resolving discussions Preparations for Implementers forum

31 31 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments Eurostep No specific requirements for Eurostep Because of the funding situation in UK they have contributed more than one can expect so far in the project…..

32 32 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments LOGSA Template review (10) Participate in issue resolving discussions Review documents for DEXLib Help section

33 33 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments Mantech, RR Review documents written for Help section

34 34 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Identified gap – Updates according to review comments Templates required by Task DEX 34 templates developed by Peter Bergström 6 templates developed by Rob Bodington 1 template developed by Bill Nairn (message)

35 35 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments NDLO

36 36 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments NDLO Template review (total 24 templates)  assigning_identification  assigning_identification_with_no_organization  assigning_required_resource  assigning_state_type  referencing_breakdown_element  referencing_part  referencing_product_configuration  referencing_product_group  representing_resource_item  representing_resource_item_realization

37 37 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments NDLO Template review  assigning_required_resource  assigning_state_type  independent_property_limit  independent_property_numeric  independent_property_range  independent_property_text  independent_property_w_tolerances  referencing_breakdown_element  referencing_part  referencing_product_configuration  referencing_product_group  representing_resource_item  representing_resource_item_realization  assigning_product_property

38 38 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments FMV

39 39 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments FMV Template development  assigning_condition comparative  assigning_condition compound  assigning_required_resource_as_specified  assigning_scheme_entry  assigning_scheme_subject

40 40 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments FMV Template review (33)  assigning_code  assigning_resource_property  assigning_task  assigning_task_objective  process_property_numeric  process_property_range  process_property_text  process_property_w_tolerances  product_property_limit  product_property_numeric  product_property_range

41 41 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments FMV Template review  product_property_text  product_property_w_tolerances  representing_message  representing_numeric_property  representing_numerical_item  representing_quantity  representing_task  representing_task_associations  representing_task_sequencing  representing_text_property  representing_value_limit  representing_value_range

42 42 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments FMV Template review  representing_value_w_tolerances  representing_value_with_unit  resource_property_limit  resource_property_numeric  resource_property_range  resource_property_text  resource_property_w_tolerances  representing_count  assigning_asserted_state  assigning_assessed_state

43 43 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments BAE Systems

44 44 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments BAE Systems Template development (5)  assigning_task  assigning_task_objective  representing_task_sequencing  representing_task_associations  referencing_task Template review (7)  assigning_justification  assigning_justification_support_item  referencing_task  representing_organization_typical  representing_person_typical  representing_qualification_type  referencing_task Task DEX review

45 45 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments EPMT

46 46 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments EPMT Template review (13)  Assigning_person_in_organization  representing_assembly_structure  assigning_observation  representing_work_done  representing_work_request  representing_promissory_usage  assigning_security_classification  assigning_approval  assigning_calendar_date  assigning_dated_effectivity  assigning_condition  assigning_domain_specific_effectivity  representing_condition_relationship

47 47 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments LOGSA

48 48 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Resource Commitments LOGSA Template review (10)  referencing_breakdown_element  referencing_part  referencing_product_configuration  referencing_product_group  representing_resource_item  representing_resource_item_realization  assigning_organization  assigning_reference_data  representing_product_as_realized  representing_work_order

49 49 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 The end

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