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Classes 5-7: TEAM Talk, Evaluate, Assist, Motivate.

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Presentation on theme: "Classes 5-7: TEAM Talk, Evaluate, Assist, Motivate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classes 5-7: TEAM Talk, Evaluate, Assist, Motivate

2 Talk

3 About your meeting yesterday: In your own words: –Assess the effectiveness of yesterday’s meeting and justify your assessment. –Describe the nature (not content!) of your group discussions. –If things progress as they have for your group, what is your honest feeling about the chances of a satisfying conclusion to your project? –What could you change to make it ‘highly satisfying’?

4 Tell me what you do? When a team member contributes in a less-than meaningful way in any team meetings? When there is evidence of redundant work or rework during the project? When a team members tries to stick to a particular perspective a bit too long? When a meeting is ineffective, or when it ends without specific and clear action steps?

5 Individually write down… What should be our three key rules of engagement for communicating w/each other? Now share with team and develop THREE UNIVERSAL RoE.

6 Evaluate

7 Answer for yourself: 1.What are the team members’ individual working styles? 2.How will we ensure that we get along and are productive? 3.Who is responsible for what? 4.How is everyone doing?

8 In your Team… Exchange your thoughts. For questions 1 & 4: –Identify potential issues and develop work- arounds if necessary For questions 2 & 3: –Develop a mutually agreed on SET OF RULES (3). WRITE IT ALL DOWN (max. ¾ page)!

9 3 Rules I offer: Discuss team dynamics constantly Set expectations, monitor results, give feedback constantly Develop and re-evaluate your personal plan constantly.

10 Three Elements to sound Feedback Giving Openness –All of the team members must have an interest in receiving feedback on their performance. Explicitness –While evaluative processes are often helpful, there must be explicit conversations about the intent and process of evaluation to make it most effective. Agreement –Before an evaluation takes place (before any feedback, actually), there should be agreement between the sender and the recipient as to the objectives of the evaluation and the measures for it.

11 Personal Evaluation How well do I listen? Do I get my points across in a nonconfrontational way? Do I separate issues from people? Do I work independently too much and leave the team in the dark? Do I never work independently of the team? Do I make people comfortable discussing ideas with me? Do I follow through on my commitments? Is my work generally error-free?

12 And now… for your team member!

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