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2 Homeostasis: Maintaining stable internal conditions within an organism. Process by which an organism maintains a constant internal environment despite changing external conditions. Constant adjustment to change in the environment.

3 HYPOTHALAMUS The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls many body functions. The main function of the hypothalamus is homeostasis. The hypothalamus controls such things as body temperature & blood pressure,

4 SWEAT GLANDS Sweating is the primary way we lose body heat.
When sweat evaporates from your skin, you lose heat & cool down.

5 HAIR & FEATHERS Life on earth exists within a narrow range of temperature which is stabilized by the unique properties of water within the bodies of organisms. Birds and mammals are endothermic (maintain a constant internal temperature)

6 HAIR & FEATHERS Feathers trap warm air acting as excellent insulators.
Hair is a good insulator. Insulating fat (blubber) beneath the epidermis in mammals acts as an insulator.

7 BLOOD Blood is the medium by which necessary materials are delivered to cells. Blood carries glucose and oxygen. Hormones, such as insulin, are released to regulate the amounts of certain substances in the blood.

8 LIVER The liver regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.
If the level of glucose is too high, the liver will store it as glycogen. If the level of glucose is too low, the liver will break down some of the glycogen to release glucose into the blood.

9 KIDNEYS The kidney is the organ most responsible for maintaining water balance in the body. The kidney can excrete any substance in excess from the body.

10 GREEN PLANTS Green plants maintain homeostasis of gases and water through structures called stomata. The stomata open to allow an exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Water balance is also controlled through the stomata.

11 PARAMECIA Paramecia and other single-celled organisms (protozoa) have a contractile vacuole. This structure functions to pump excess water out of their cells so these organisms do not gain too much water.

12 SEA TURTLE Sea turtles shed tears to remove salt.
Living in a salt water environment puts sea turtles in danger of losing water. Sea turtles have salt glands in the corner of their eyes that excrete excess salt out of their bodies.

13 KANGAROO RAT Kangaroo rats are small seed-eating rodents that live in arid climates. Kangaroo rats have the ability to obtain water internally from the dry, starchy seeds they eat.

14 HONEY BEES Honey bees are social insects.
Honey bees maintain a constant warm temperature by huddling in a large group. Periodically, the bees switch places, with the inner most bees moving to the outside and rest moving inward.

15 TERMITES Termites also are social insects.
Chemicals called pheromones influence the behavior of these insects. A termite may have one of the following roles within the hive: worker, soldier, or reproductive. At birth, diet and pheromones play a part in which role the termite will have.

16 TERMITES If there are too many soldiers and not enough workers, pheromones will be released to produce more workers and less soldiers. The pheromones basically affect the numbers and kinds of individuals in the nest.

17 IN SUMMARY: Homeostasis is a vital process among living things.
It allows living things to adjust and maintain a constant internal environment despite the changing external environment. Living organisms cannot tolerate significant alterations in their environments. Homeostasis allows organisms to adjust to short term changes which happen continuously.

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