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 Petals are important for a plant because they are what attract bees, birds and insects to the plant that will help it  pollinate. Pollinate-when pollen.

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Presentation on theme: " Petals are important for a plant because they are what attract bees, birds and insects to the plant that will help it  pollinate. Pollinate-when pollen."— Presentation transcript:


2  Petals are important for a plant because they are what attract bees, birds and insects to the plant that will help it  pollinate. Pollinate-when pollen is spread from one plant to another to make new seeds

3  The part of a plant that helps water travel from the roots up to the flower and its leaves.

4  The part of the plant underground that absorbs water and nutrients and also holds the plant in place. Nutrients- healthy food found in the ground that helps the plant to grow

5  The part of a plant that makes seeds that grow into new pla.nts

6  The part of a plant that protects the seed and grows around it after the flower has lost its petals. Petals- The colorful part of a flower that grow around it.

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