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Kim Macchiarelli Nicole Shema Pam Felts Doreen Bruce Marina Cangialosi.

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Presentation on theme: "Kim Macchiarelli Nicole Shema Pam Felts Doreen Bruce Marina Cangialosi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kim Macchiarelli Nicole Shema Pam Felts Doreen Bruce Marina Cangialosi

2  A new teacher shall complete a district mentorship program during their initial year of employment  They must also receive a rating of effective or highly effective in two annual summative evaluations within the first years of employment

3  Tenure is gained after four years and one day  The employee must have received a rating of effective or highly effective in each of three consecutive annual commutative evaluations  The first effective rating must be received on or after the completion of the second year of employment

4  Shall enhance teacher knowledge of CCCS Identify exemplary teaching skills and practices  Assist in performance of duties and adjustment to challenges of teaching  To greatest extent feasible, activities developed in consultation with School Improvement Panels  Must be in place for 2012-13

5  Teacher required to complete a district mentorship program in the first year, even if experienced teacher going to new district  2 year mentoring requirement for principals remains unchanged  School Improvement Panel charged with overseeing mentoring of teachers  Must be research-based program that pairs effective teachers with first-year teachers to provide observation and feedback. Modeling, confidential support and guidance

6  Ongoing PD that supports student achievement  Individual Professional Development Plan for each teaching staff member  Additional PD for any teaching staff member who fails or is struggling to meet the performance standards, designed to correct needs identified in summative evaluation

7  Must be in place in every school  Principal or designee (on-district admin. Or supervisor), asst. principal and a teacher  Teacher selected in consultation with majority rep  If no asst. principal then another in-district administrator or supervisor  Three-year term limit for teacher on panel  Oversee mentoring of teachers  Identify PD opportunities.

8  Definition section of bill makes clear that formal evaluations can only be done by properly certified administrators or other supervisory personnel  SIP is charged with conducting an annual summative evaluation  SIP is required to do a mid-year evaluation for teachers rated as partially effective or ineffective  The teacher on the SIP can be involved in the evaluation process where majority representative agrees  Role of teacher on SIP evaluations is unclear

9  Eliminates 90 day improvement plan  Superintendent must file charge, whenever employee rated ineffective or partially in one year, and ineffective in the following year.  Superintendent may file charge of inefficiency if rated particularly effective for 2 years in a row or ineffective in first year and partial in year 2.

10  12/31/12 – Adopt Evaluation Rubric  1/31/13 – Begin Pilot Program  2/1/13 – Form School Improvement Panel  State Approval Evaluation Rubrics Focal point –; Marzoano –; McRel –; Marshall – www.; Strong –; Multidemenstional Leadership –; Multidementioal Principal –

11  Charges of inefficiency must be based on state approved rubric.  Evaluation tools, must be state approved.  First charge for inefficiency will not be possible until after 2014-2015 school year.

12  Must be developed for any teaching staff member rated ineffective or partially effective.  Written plan developed by teaching staff member serving in a supervisory capacity in collaboration with teaching staff member.  Must include: Timeline for corrective actions Responsibilities of individual teaching staff member Responsibilities of district Specific support provided by the district.

13  The Path to Smart Tenure Reform The Path to Smart Tenure Reform  The New Tenure Law: How Will if effect you? Q & A The New Tenure Law: How Will if effect you? Q & A Articles:  A Win-win for Students, Teachers, and the Public August 6, 2012 A Win-win for Students, Teachers, and the Public  NJEA: Meaningful Reform is More than Evaluation, Tenure November 6, 2011 NJEA: Meaningful Reform is More than Evaluation, Tenure

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