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Picking Solutions Aaron Brandt, Chet Birchmeier, and Mike Cook.

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Presentation on theme: "Picking Solutions Aaron Brandt, Chet Birchmeier, and Mike Cook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Picking Solutions Aaron Brandt, Chet Birchmeier, and Mike Cook

2 Chet and Courtney

3 Overview Why Electronic Picking? Pick Dispatcher Vocollect Electronic Pick Ticket Pick Kiosk Quality Control Metrics Questions and Discussion

4 Why Electronic Picking? Potential benefits Efficiency / Speed Accuracy Safety Reduced training time for new workers Updated order quantities Proper inventory movement (WMS) Pick metrics

5 Pick Dispatcher Choose which work to dispatch and when Monitor shorts and out-of-stocks View completed pallets and orders Observe currently active work Assign trailers to doors for staging

6 Vocollect Cadillac of picking solutions Proven technology Location based Voice controlled Check digits Fully hands free Faster Barcode scanning Improved accuracy Significant implementation requirements

7 Electronic Pick Ticket Paperless Easier and less expensive to implement vs. Vocollect Tradeoffs in speed Barcode scanning Improved accuracy Better metrics vs. Pick Kiosk Fully integrated picking solution with eoWarehouse

8 Pick Kiosk Smaller footprint vs. other options Fewer server, network, and hardware requirements Less expensive Very easy to implement Tradeoffs in accuracy and speed Fast and easy to use Update order quantities

9 Quality Control Ensure accuracy of shipped pallets Compare actual vs expected pallet weights Make any necessary changes to picked quantities Add products to fix improper shorts or out-of-stocks Remove products to fix over-picks Swap products to fix mispicks Ensure no pallets are missed

10 Metrics Track employee pick performance Speed Accuracy Break time

11 Metrics

12 Discuss | Ask | Suggest Chet Birchmeier Aaron Brandt Mike Cook

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