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Aim: How do political parties influence U.S. government and politics? What is a political party? What are the functions of political parties in American.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How do political parties influence U.S. government and politics? What is a political party? What are the functions of political parties in American."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How do political parties influence U.S. government and politics? What is a political party? What are the functions of political parties in American government and politics? ? ? ? How have political parties grown weaker?

2 Aim: How do political parties influence U.S. government and politics? FOUR PHASES POLITICAL PARTIES Founding Jacksonian Era Civil War – Sectionalism Era of Reform

3 Aim: How do political parties influence U.S. government and politics? What two (2) factions emerged in the Republican party during the Era of Reform? (turn of last century) What reforms did the Progressives push for in regard to political parties and elections?

4 Aim: How do political parties influence U.S. government and politics? What reforms did the Progressives push for in regard to political parties and elections? Party issued ballots to government issued ballots Registration requirements Primary elections Non-partisan elections No party-business alliances Civil Service reform Initiative and referendum elections

5 Aim: How do political parties influence U.S. government and politics? How did Progressive era reforms affect political parties and elections? Reduces worst forms of corruption Reduced influence of political machines party bosses Weaken political parties (in general) Reduced voter fraud Reduced voter turnout

6 Aim: How do political parties influence U.S. government and politics? How do political parties of the 20 th century (and today) compare to U.S. political parties in the 19 th century? What effect did Progressive Era reform have on political parties? What was the purpose of these reforms? What evidence is there that political parties in the U.S. have continued to weaken since 1960?



9 Aim: How do political parties influence U.S. government and politics? Party Strength and Democratic Party (Abstract – see handout) Cleavages and Continuity in Two- party system


11 POLITICAL PARTIES Why has there been such continuity with the two-party system in the United States? What role do minor or third parties play in the United States? Some believe it is almost always irrational to vote for a party other than the the two major ones. What would a voter gain by voting for Nader in 2000 because he felt the Democratic candidate was insufficiently liberal? (or voting for a “Buchanan” if the Republican candidate was insufficiently conservative?)


13 POLITICAL PARTIES NATIONAL PARTY STRUCTURE (note similarities) National Convention National Committee (DNC or RNC) National Chairman (elected by Committee) Congressional Campaign Committees

14 POLITICAL PARTIES What is the role of the National Convention? Nominates the Presidential candidate Votes on Party’s platform Place where delegates come together every 4 years to ratify choices already made by activists and primaries

15 POLITICAL PARTIES What is the role of the National Committees? (DNC/RNC) Develop Party’s platform Plan for the next Convention Recruit/field candidates FUNDRAISE, FUNDRAISE, FUNDRAISE

16 POLITICAL PARTIES What are the differences between the two National parties? Late 1960s – early 1970s, Republicans become well-financed, highly staffed organization Devoted to recruiting strong candidates Direct mail Bureaucratized MEANWHILE, the Democrats become further FACTIONALIZED For example, intra-party democracy pursued After a string of losses (Presidential contests and Congress) –Democrats start to emulate Republicans (in terms of National Party strategies/fundraising)

17 READING FOR “ABSTRACT THEME A” SUMMARIZE What is more important – “principle” or “winning elections”? Is it more important for the party to represent its memberships’ interest or win elections? Is moving to the political “center” to win elections the equivalent of “selling out”? it deceitful? How has this conflict been resolved? POLITICAL PARTIES

18 Panel Discussion RESOLVED: that it is better to adhere to one’s principles than compromise in order to win elections. Provide arguments to either defend or refute the resolution.

19 POLITICAL PARTIES Why does America have a two- party system? (most democracies are multi-party) What are super delegates? What role do they play at the National Convention?

20 POLITICAL PARTIES What has happened to the strength of party bosses in recent years? What role does the increasing importance of primaries play in relation to the “boss” system at conventions?

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