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Leading and Learning in a Time of Change #CCSS.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading and Learning in a Time of Change #CCSS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading and Learning in a Time of Change Sandra Alberti @salberti @achievethecore #CCSS

2 PAGE 2 Let’s be clear about what we are doing This effort is about much more than implementing the next version of the standards: It is about preparing all students for success in college and careers. – Standards based instruction in mathematics and ELA grounded in evidence for college and career readiness – Focus and coherence

3 PAGE 3 Standards-Based Instruction Clear expectations Clear connection of classroom activities to expectations Clear information on student progress toward meeting expectations AKA assessment

4 PAGE 4 Effective leadership in this work Understand the work Effectively communicate about the work Support the work

5 PAGE 5

6 PAGE 6

7 PAGE 7 Understand the work ELA/Literacy 1.Regular practice with complex text and its academic language 2.Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3.Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction Mathematics 1.Focus strongly where the Standards focus 2.Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades 3.Rigor: In major topics, pursue with equal intensity: conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application

8 PAGE 8 Understand the work What implications do the CCSS have on what we teach? What implications do the CCSS have on how we teach? How will you know?

9 PAGE 9 A Conversation about Common Core State Standards Communicate – Enrolled, not told Standards aligned vs. Standards based Standards vs. Standardization Standards vs. Curriculum Not a ceiling, but a message about priority Focus, not simplify the work Based on evidence v. Researched

10 PAGE 10 Communicate PD Module for brief communication Pinterest! Illustrated Shifts Parent Guides – PTA – Council of Great City Schools “To ensure all students are prepared for success after graduation, the Common Core State Standards establish a set of clear, consistent guidelines for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level in math and English Language Arts. The standards have been adopted by 45 states.”

11 PAGE 11 Support the Work Instructional Practice – Coaching and Planning Guides – Lesson Planning Guides – Instructional Practice Guides Instructional Practice Guides – Common Core Aligned Instructional and Assessment Materials – Toolkit for evaluating materials Toolkit for evaluating materials PD Resources – iTunes U Courses iTunes U Courses – PD Modules PD Modules – Webinar Series: 3 rd Tuesday of the month 7-8PM EST

12 PAGE 12 Powerful Tool for Instructional Advocacy: Knowledge and Practice Survey detail-pg

13 PAGE 13 What is the Common Core Knowledge and Practice Survey? A tool for educators to reflect on their instructional practice and understanding of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Designed for use in a professional learning community (PLC) setting within a school, the survey is meant to – Spark conversation – Help identify areas for growth – Offer concrete ways for teams of teachers to continue to align their practice to the Shifts Available for ELA/Literacy and Mathematics Grade bands K-2, 3-5, 6-8, HS

14 PAGE 14 What was the Survey designed to do? Identify what teachers understand about the Shifts and what they do with that knowledge in their classrooms Support change at the local level – where change happens Offer ways for educators to have a conversation and advocate for their own professional learning Provide an alternative or supplement to self-reported data Sample self-reported data questions… How do you feel about the Common Core implementation at your school? How much high-quality PD have you received? My students are capable of doing Common Core-aligned work. (Agree/Disagree) My textbooks are aligned. (Yes/No)

15 PAGE 15 How can – and can’t – the Survey be used? IT CAN… Provide aggregated data by subject, within or across grades Illuminate areas of strength and need around understanding of the Shifts Prompt discussion and further inquiry Inform targeted professional development plans IT CANNOT… Provide data about an individual to a coach Serve as an input in teacher evaluation Give psychometrically valid longitudinal data Plan your next steps or otherwise read your mind

16 PAGE 16 How do you use it? Sample RolesResponsibilities Instructional Coach Creates an account in the survey portal (~ 5 minutes) Builds projects; one per teacher group (min. 6 per group) Sends survey links to teachers (outside of the portal) Views aggregated data, discussion questions and resources Teacher Take surveys (~30 minutes) View individual report (also includes questions and resources) Together Review data to determine key areas for focus Dig into discussion questions to narrow next steps Choose appropriate resources Measure progress

17 PAGE 17 Student Achievement Partners Core Advocates Why Core Advocates? Unless teachers are the owners, these new standards will fail like all those before. But to make them owners, we must do more than invite a few token teachers to the next standards workshop. Teachers themselves must become the leaders when implementing the standards. Those who have mastered the ideas and the content must mentor their peers. Those who are challenged must work with their colleagues; those who are indifferent must become engaged; those who are cynical must be won over. Teachers must shape both the standards and assessments as educational tools rather than data-gathering instruments. – John Ewing, “Give the Standards Back to Teachers”

18 PAGE 18 Key Characteristics of Leading Organizations Systems Thinking Learning Organizations Know – Really Know – the expectations

19 PAGE 19 When in doubt, go to the Standards!

20 PAGE 20 Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. Theodore Roosevelt “A bell that cannot be un-rung”

21 Thank You! Sandra Alberti Twitter: @salberti

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