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Formal Lab Write Up Science 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Formal Lab Write Up Science 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal Lab Write Up Science 10

2 Title Page Title of Lab (Centered) Your Name Class Teachers Name Date
Should be done on a blank piece of paper neatly.

3 Title Page (Blank Page)
Science 10 Chemistry lab Measuring the pH of common acids and bases Your name Block D Date passed in For Mr. Pellerine

4 Purpose Here you state the purpose of the lab. Any relevant background information about the topic is included. Here you should include information from your notes or text or research you have done on the topic. About 3 – 5 sentences.

5 Hypothesis Here you predict what you think you are going to find out from this lab. Give a reason why you think this might happen.

6 Materials Here you include materials used in the lab in point form.

7 Results Here we include; data tables, graphs, calculations, diagrams, or anything else that you would include your results for the lab in. From the above list only include things that are relevant to the lab.

8 Questions Answer all lab questions in full sentences.

9 Conclusion This should be done as a paragraph, you need to demonstrate what you have learned from doing the lab. Relate your conclusion to the purpose. You may also want to discuss some of the sources of error that occurred in the lab, and how these errors may have affected results.

10 Format All headings should be on the left of the page and you do not write any information directly under the heading: Purpose: Here you would state the purpose of the lab but no writing goes below this heading. Procedures: Continue on with information in this section it can be point form but it does not go below this heading.

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