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Estimation QMS Training. Objective To arrive at accurate estimates for the project Mahindra Satyam Confidential2.

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Presentation on theme: "Estimation QMS Training. Objective To arrive at accurate estimates for the project Mahindra Satyam Confidential2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estimation QMS Training

2 Objective To arrive at accurate estimates for the project Mahindra Satyam Confidential2

3 Estimation Mahindra Satyam Confidential3 Accurate Estimates are

4 Estimation For a Project, the Estimates are computed several times – At Project Acquisition Phase – At Project Planning Phase – During Project Execution Phase Mahindra Satyam Confidential4

5 Estimation at Project Acquisition Phase The Proposal team performs the estimation based on the inputs available at that phase Mahindra Satyam Confidential5

6 Estimation at Project Planning Phase The PL Performs the estimation based on – the estimates at the Acquisition phase – further requirements obtained later Documents these estimates in the Broad Estimates section of the project plan Records the discrepancy, if any, between these estimates and the commitments made to the customer, along with the actions to be taken Mahindra Satyam Confidential6

7 Estimation at Project Planning Phase The PL Defines the phases / milestones / events at which the estimates are to be re-visited Documents these in the Estimation Schedule section of the project plan Mahindra Satyam Confidential7

8 Estimation during Project Execution Phase The PL re-visits the estimates – Following the schedule documented in the project plan, and/or – When any anomaly such as a slipped schedule or a large change request, occurs in the project The PL performs the estimation based on – the current project requirements – the estimates from the earlier phases Mahindra Satyam Confidential8

9 Estimation The process for all these instances of Estimation is the same Different Estimation methods can be used for different instances in the same project, based on – Inputs Available – Past Data Available – Assumptions of method to match with those of the project Mahindra Satyam Confidential9

10 Process Mahindra Satyam Confidential10 Select an Estimation Method Perform the Estimation Review the Estimates Approve the Estimates

11 Select an Estimation Method PL/PM selects an appropriate method to be followed in the project based on the criteria defined Obtains the corresponding Estimation WorkSheet from QUALIFY If a different method is to be used, prepares the Estimation WorkSheet in line with the Formats available in QUALIFY – The Cover Page should be exactly the same as in the case of available WorkSheets Mahindra Satyam Confidential11

12 Perform the Estimation PL/PM – computes the estimates for size, effort, schedule and resources based on selected Estimation Method using the Estimation WorkSheet – uses the following inputs and document them in the Estimation WorkSheet: Appropriate past data from Mahindra Satyam’s Project Knowledge Base Data from the previous phases / work requests of the project Mahindra Satyam Confidential12

13 Review the Estimates PM and/or another PM/PL having sufficient knowledge on similar projects reviews the estimates – The Estimation Review Checklist and the Review Report are used for recording and tracking this review – These are attached to the Estimation WorkSheet Mahindra Satyam Confidential13

14 Approve the Estimates Pre-sales approves the estimates during pre-project stage PM approves the estimates during Project Planning and Project Execution This approval is recorded in the Estimation WorkSheet Mahindra Satyam Confidential14

15 Objective met The accurate estimates for the project are arrived at, when required Mahindra Satyam Confidential15

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