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National Governors’ Association Center for Best Practices The Action Plan NGA Policy Academy Improving Oral Health Care for Children.

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Presentation on theme: "National Governors’ Association Center for Best Practices The Action Plan NGA Policy Academy Improving Oral Health Care for Children."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Governors’ Association Center for Best Practices The Action Plan NGA Policy Academy Improving Oral Health Care for Children

2 © 2000 National Governors Association A Return to Purpose team policy initiative implemented For your team to develop a state-wide policy initiative (Action Plan) that can be realistically implemented to improve oral health care for children

3 © 2000 National Governors Association Policy Initiative Framework (The Action Plan) The Vision (Your State Tomorrow) The Reality Assessment (Your State Today) Priorities/Goals (Gaps) Strategies with Potential (Tactical Plans) Action Steps (Work Assignments)

4 © 2000 National Governors Association The Vision (Your State Tomorrow) Provides a statement of purpose Presents a picture of your ideal future (independent of the current reality) Serves as a reference point for all future decisions

5 © 2000 National Governors Association Sample Vision Statement We envision a State where every child enjoys optimal oral health; where prevention is emphasized and treatment is available, accessible, affordable, and timely; where parents are involved, providers are engaged, and insurers are responsible; where government is a guarantor of resources, quality, and patient protection; and where the total well-being of the child is promoted.

6 © 2000 National Governors Association The Reality Assessment (Your State Today) Requires a review / inventory of: – Key problem issues in your State – Previous policy actions taken to address these issues – Current political environment Assesses your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats Helps to identify resources at your disposal Provides context for your efforts

7 © 2000 National Governors Association Team Priorities/Goals (Gaps) Areas where you will focus your energy and resources Likely to be the “gaps” between your vision and the current reality Form the basis for planning, policy-making, and setting performance standards May be short-term and/or long-term

8 © 2000 National Governors Association Strategies with Potential (Tactical Plans) Broad-ranging tactics to affect change Often require statewide or cross-agency efforts Usually involve the combination of several courses of action Should be directly related to your priorities/goals

9 © 2000 National Governors Association Action Steps (Work Assignments) Specific activities undertaken based on your strategy(-ies) Require action from specific individuals (or entities) Considerations: – Who is responsible for coordinating each action? – Who is responsible for completing each action? – What resources are required? – What is the timeline? – Who will be affected? – How will success be measured?

10 © 2000 National Governors Association Visualizing the Action Plan

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