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Definitions of Reality (ref. Wiki Discussions). Reality Two Ontologic Approaches What exists: REALISM, independent of the mind What appears: PHENOMENOLOGY,

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions of Reality (ref. Wiki Discussions). Reality Two Ontologic Approaches What exists: REALISM, independent of the mind What appears: PHENOMENOLOGY,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions of Reality (ref. Wiki Discussions)

2 Reality Two Ontologic Approaches What exists: REALISM, independent of the mind What appears: PHENOMENOLOGY, what (and how) it occurs in consciousness (idealism vs epiphenomenology)

3 Metaphysics vs Epistemology vs Science Metaphysics : study of what exists (idealism, materialism, dualism) Epistemology : Study of nature and scope of knowledge empiricism, rationalism, constructivism) Science : use of empiric data to construct models that can predict the future

4 Deduction vs Induction Deduction: Reasoning based on rules of logic and axioms. Validity not Truth Induction: Reasoning from general fact to a conclusion. Does not guarantee truth, but likelihood (Hume and Popper).

5 Scientific Method Issues Popper’s Falsifiability (problem with induction) Godel’s Theorem (incompleteness of formal logical systems) Measurement Precision (sensitivity to initial conditions results in deterministic chaos, weather)

6 Causality Relationship between one event and another (necessary and sufficient) Determinism (orderly laws that specify transformation from one state to another that are in principle reversible, Newton’s laws) Indeterminism (laws can only predict likelihood of outcome, quantum theory) Problem of free will in either case

7 World View WELTANSCHAUUNG Framework of beliefs and ideas through which one interprets and experiences the world Belief vs Truth (depends on what “is” is) What is my world view (try to write it down) We will revisit at end of course Rule: Each world view will be respected

8 Truths and Consequences of World View Idealist Materialist Dualist Other

9 Big Questions Time Space Matter, Energy Complexity (reduction vs emergence) Consciousness Cosmology Life God

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