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COLUMBUS STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Strategic Planning Steering Committee Session IV July 27, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "COLUMBUS STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Strategic Planning Steering Committee Session IV July 27, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLUMBUS STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Strategic Planning Steering Committee Session IV July 27, 2012

2 AGENDA 9:00 – 9:15 Review Objectives Process Update 9:15 – 9:45 Individual Review of Draft Document 9:45 – 10:30 Small Group Discussion of Draft Document 10:30 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 11:30 Large Group Discussion of Draft Document 11:30 – 11:45 Wrap-Up and Adjourn

3 OBJECTIVES  To develop a strategic vision of the future describing the value Columbus State will be delivering to its stakeholders including students & alumni, central Ohio educators, employers & leaders, and Columbus State faculty, administrators & staff  To review and refine the College’s statements of mission and values in light of its strategic vision

4  Summarized emerging Vision/Mission/Values themes (handout) from:  3 Strategic Planning Steering Committee meetings  Presidents Cabinet  College Planning Forum  Met with Ologie to review/align work-to-date on branding & strategic planning  Presented work-to-date to Board 7/19 and obtained input on emerging vision/mission/values themes (handout)  Completed draft document incorporating work-to-date for review 7/27  Alumni focus groups (2) scheduled for 8/15; Student focus group schedule (3) in process  Developing infrastructure to coordinate implementation & integrate this work with other key initiatives, e.g., Achieving the Dream  Review and finalize document with Steering Committee 9/7  Results will be presented to Columbus State’s Board this fall PROCESS UPDATE

5 DRAFT DOCUMENT  Summary of the work-to-date  Foundational document that defines and explains Columbus State’s Vision, Mission and Values  Will be used as “north star” for implementation planning  Concepts will be woven into many different uses internally and externally, though not necessarily verbatim  4 sections:  Call to Action -- The context in which we operate; the need to which we are responding  Vision -- What will be true for our stakeholders as a result of our work  Mission -- Our role as an organization in achieving the vision; why we exist  Values -- The principles & cultural attributes that define us and how we operate

6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS  Read and reflect individually on the draft document for about 30 minutes  Small group discussion: For each section (Call to Action, Vision, Mission, Values):  What do you like?  What don’t you like?  Are there concepts that are missing?

7 NEXT STEPS  Student and alumni focus groups to provide feedback to draft document  September 7 Steering Committee meeting:  Report on feedback from student and alumni focus groups  Refine and finalize Vision/Mission/Values for presentation to Dr. Harrison


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