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Published byDwayne Lawson Modified over 9 years ago
Review of the Subjunctive Mood (Regular Verbs)(Pages 319 – 320) Imperfect TenseRuleTranslation All Verbs - Full Present Active Infinitive + PE(might) vocaremonereregerecapere audire + PE+ PE+ PE+ PE+ PE (call)(warn)(rule)(take)(hear) vocaremmoneremregeremcaperem audiremI might ________ vocaresmoneresregerescaperes audires you might ________ vocaretmoneretregeretcaperet audiret he might ________ vocaremusmoneremusregeremuscaperemus audiremus we might ________ vocaretismoneretisregeretiscaperetis audiretis you might ________ vocarentmonerentregerentcaperent audirent they might ________
Review of the Subjunctive Mood (Deponent Verbs)(Pages 319 – 320) Imperfect TenseRuleTranslation All Verbs - Full Present Active Infinitive + PE(might) conorvereorsequorpatior largior conarevereresequerepatere largire + PE+ PE+ PE+ PE+ PE (try)(fear)(follow)(suffer)(bestow) conarervererersequererpaterer largirerI might ________ conarerisverererissequererispatereris largireris you might ________ conareturvereretursequereturpateretur largiretur he might ________ conaremurvereremursequeremurpateremur largiremur we might ________ conareminiverereminisequereminipateremini largirerminiyou might ________ conarenturvererentursequerenturpaterentur largirentur they might ________
Review of the Subjunctive Mood (Irregular Verbs)(Pages 328 – 329) Imperfect Tense(Present Active Infinitive + PE)Translation SumPossumvoloeofero fio(might) (be)(be able)(wish)(go)(bring)(become) essempossemvellemiremferremfieremI might ________ essespossesvellesiresferresfieres you might ________ essetpossetvelletiretferretfieret he might ________ essemuspossemusvellemusiremusferremusfieremus we might ________ essetispossetisvelletisiretisferretisfieretis you might ________ essentpossentvellentirentferrentfierent they might ________
Result Clauses (page 334) 1. In English the verb in a clause of result is expressed by the indicative mood because a result is something that actually happened. A fact is stated. In Latin the verb is in the subjunctive mood, and the clause, whether affirmative or negative, is introduced by ut. In a negative clause the negative adverb non is placed before the verb. In the English translation the auxiliary verbs may, might, should, would are never used. 2. In Latin as in English, some word in the main clause serves as a warning indicator that a result clause is coming. Ita and sic, both of which mean so, are usually used with verbs. Tam, also meaning so, is used with adjectives and adverbs. Tantus, so great, talis, such, and tot, so many, are adjectives. Romani tam fortiter pugnaverunt ut hostes superarent. The Romans fought so bravely that they overcame the enemy. Numerus hostium erat tantus ut Romani eos non superarent. The number of the enemy was so great that the Romans did not overcome them.
Review of the Sequence of Tense Rules for the Subjunctive Mood(Page 341) SEQUENCEIF THE MAIN VERB IS:THE SUBORDINATE CLAUSE USES: Primarypresent1.the present subjunctive future (to express same time as the main verb) future perfect 2.the perfect subjunctive (to express time before that of the main verb) Secondaryimperfect1.the imperfect subjunctive perfect (to express same time as the main verb) pluperfect 2. the pluperfect subjunctive (to express time before that of the main verb)
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