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Chapter 13.

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1 Chapter 13

2 What does tense refer to?
time of the verb

3 Per Viam Appiam iter faciebant.
They were traveling along the Appian Way. Syrus equos verberbat. Syrus did whip the horses. Syrus kept whipping the horses.

4 The imperfect tense can be recognized by the tense sign _________________that appears ___________________ the personal endings.   Verbs in the imperfect tense describe _____________that took place in _________ ___________ and that were _____________ or______________. -ba- -eba- -era- in front of actions past time continuous repeated

5 They were traveling. continuous, repeated like movie film   They traveled. completed like still picture  

6 time present past -ba- sum, esse possum, posse -era-
Activity 1 - Fill in the blanks.   1. When we refer to the tense of the verb, we mean the _________________________ when the action occurs.  2. The action of a present tense verb happens in the _________________________, but the action of an imperfect tense verb was happening in the ______________________.  3. The imperfect tense in Latin is indicated by the tense sign _________________, which which appears before the personal endings, -o or –m, -s, -t, -mus, –tis, -nt  4. Exceptions to this rule are the irregular verbs ______________ and ________________ which have the letters ____________ in their imperfect forms. time present past -ba- sum, esse possum, posse -era-

7 . Activity 2 – Identify whether the following verbs are in the present or imperfect tense. 1. invenit __________ 6. ferunt __________ 11. erat__________ 2. ambulat __________ 7. poterat__________ 12. volebat _________ 3. iubebat __________ 8. sunt __________ 13. vitat __________ 4. erant __________ 9. latrant __________ 14. faciebat _________ 5. ibant __________ 10. quiescebant ______ 15. fert _________  

8 Activity 4: Conjugate each verb in the present then imperfect.
rule and stem ______________________________________ Present Latin - singular English - singular Latin - plural English - plural 1st: 2nd: 3rd: tense sign ________________________________________ Imperfect Latin - singular English - singular Latin - plural English - plural 1st: 2nd: 3rd:

9 Activity 5 – Translate 1. Liberi tabellarium spectabant. 2
Activity 5 – Translate 1. Liberi tabellarium spectabant Cornelius, ubi epistulas scribebat, uxorem et liberos vidēre nolebat Cornelius gaudebat quod omnes incolumes erant.

10 4. Dormiebasne. , Syre. Minime vero (no indeed),. domine
4. Dormiebasne*, Syre? Minime vero (no indeed), domine! Ego placide per viam ibam(I was going) Appropinquabatne* cisium placide? Minime! Celerrime per viam ibat Syrus tabellarium vitāre poterat quod equos tenebat.

11 7. Cur tu celeriter iter faciebas. 8
7. Cur tu celeriter iter faciebas? 8. Cornelia, quae defessa erat, in cubiculo dormiebat Nos raedas magnā arte agebamus.

12 10. Latrabant canes; per agros currebant;. Getam invenīre non poterant
10. Latrabant canes; per agros currebant; Getam invenīre non poterant Flavia misera erat quod Cornelia in villā manēre non poterat.

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