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Pierre Delahaye CERN - ISOLDE
The Physics requirements for advanced radioactive ion beam manipulation Pierre Delahaye CERN - ISOLDE
The chart of the nuclides An open landscape for investigations
Nuclear physics Structure, magic numbers, deformations, haloes, Superheavy elements, nuclear equation of states… Nuclear Astrophysics Nucleosynthesis, r and rp processes, supernovae explosions, X ray bursts… Weak Interaction physics and fundamental symmetries CVC, CKM Unitarity, Exotic interactions… Solid State physics & Medical Applications! From the EURISOL report
Advanced techniques for the Radioactive ion beam manipulation
The EURISOL project Beam preparation task Advanced techniques for the Radioactive ion beam manipulation More radioactive beams for more available energies! Beta-beam aspect
Outline of the talk II) A few examples for beam preparation
I) Inventory of devices and techniques II) A few examples for beam preparation The low energy stage of REX-ISOLDE post-accelerator The Collaps experiment at ISOLDE III) A few examples for precision measurements The ISOLTRAP penning trap spectrometer The beta –neutrino angular correlation measurements at LPC Caen, ISOLDE (WITCH) and at Triumf The 6He charge radius measurement at ANL The HITRAP project at GSI
I - Inventory What devices for what purpose?
A physics experiments usually requires High intensity Beam purity Beam quality (radial and longitudinal emittances) A rich variety of available beams A rich variety of accelerated beams Beam preparation Also providing powerful tools to precision measurements!
A mass separator A mass separator Better … Beam purity
ISOLDE HRS upgrade Tim Giles CERN AB-OP R=m/dm~4000 in best cases Upgrade R~10,000 Better … Beam purity High acceptance 100%
A charge breeder ECR booster vs EBIS – stripping foils REX-EBIS
Operational at REX-ISOLDE Phoenix ECRIS 14GHz Test stand at ISOLDE Singly charged ions n+ ions transformation More post-accelerated beams available More radioactive isotopes available Better purity in some cases Some applications for physics experiments of charge bred beams Efficiency: % in one charge state depending on Z Molecular sidebands from the ISOLDE targets
Ion coolers RFQ coolers vs Penning trap coolers
PhD thesis of Ivan Podadera, CERN ISCOOL in its commissioning phase REXTRAP at REX-ISOLDE Electromagnetic traps filled by buffer gas: damping of the ion motion by collisions Better beam quality – lower transversal emittance Possibility of beam bunching: a few µs bunches Penning trap: the mass selection is a-priori possible | R=105 at ISOLTRAP! The transmission depends on space charge limits
Electromagnetic traps
Penning traps Paul traps MOT 6 laser beams With a magnetic field An atom trap
II - Beam preparation The 1+ n+ scenario for the Physics with radioactive accelerated beams The case of REX-ISOLDE The requirements for charge bred beams The needs for cooled and bunched beams The Collaps experiment
ISOL and In-flight facilities
The 1+n+ scenario at ISOL facilities
ECR breeder vs EBIS | stripping foils Stripping foils requires a pre-accelerator Usually limited to small A/q Accelerator ISOL target 1+ ion source 1+ n+ 1+ separator A/q separator Studied in the frame of the EURISOL and RIA projects
Physics with accelerated beams at REX-ISOLDE
The REX-ISOLDE post accelerator
The low energy stage REXTRAP REX EBIS q/A-selector breeding time (A/q < 4.5) ms beam intensities < 109 /s ions in one charge state < 30% injection efficiency into EBIS >80% efficiency REXTRAP % Limited by space charge effects above 109 ions/ cycle
REXTRAP A longitudinal Penning trap filled with Ne as buffer gas
Superconducting magnet 3T PNe ~10-4 mbar in the trapping area DE Buffer gas cooling Accumulation Cooling Ejection
Trap Layout P. Schmidt et al, Nucl. Phys. A 701(2002)550 1m
Center electrodes Injection plate Ejection plate Pulse drift tube Magnet 3T – Trap electrodes P. Schmidt et al, Nucl. Phys. A 701(2002)550
REXEBIS The EBIS superconducting magnet The LaB6 cathode
EBIS specifications Super conducting solenoid, 2 T Trap length <0.8 m Electron beam, <0.3 A and 3-6 keV Breeding time 3 to >200 ms <50 ms extracted bunches Ramped HT potential kV Warm bore capacity up to charges
The EBIS setup The charge state is selected with a mass separator of Nier-Spectrometer type 98 ms breeding Radioactive 110Sn+ 9% breeding efficiency in 27+
Experiments by REX-ISOLDE
Mainly nuclear spectroscopy experiments B(E2) measurements with MINIBALL transfer reactions and Coulomb excitations Miniball cluster CD detector
Coulomb excitation of 70Se
Measurement of the B(E2) of 70Se for validation of the shape coexistence in the mass 70 region IS397 collaboration D. Jenkins, P.A. Butler Mass 70: contamination of 70Ge+ from the usual ZrO target Solution: molecular sidebands from the target 70SeCO REXEBIS >5% SeCO+Se19+ >50% efficiency for SeCO+ cooling REXTRAP First run partly successful this year, should be renewed next year
Different cooling schemes
Time of flight out of REXTRAP Molecular break-up V ~120 eV 80 eV X V SeCO molecule trapping ~30 eV 15 eV X
Charge bred beams at ISOLDE?
Solid state physics experiments Astrophysics experiments ECRIS + HV platform Filling the gap between ISOLDE and REX-ISOLDE energies for intense radioactive beams ISOLTRAP Mass measurements sensitivity wc=qB/m REX-ISOLDE: High intensity radioactive beams?
Charge bred beams at ISOLDE
H. Haas AB-Note OP
The ECR charge breeder
The needs for cooled and bunched beams
Reduction of emittance for mass separators –ISCOOL for the HRS upgrade at ISOLDE Reduction of emittance and bunching for the EBIS charge breeders – REXTRAP at REX-ISOLDE Better transport to experiments time reference, monochromatic beam, better injection control into spectrometers – ISCOOL for Collaps
The Collaps case Collinear laser spectroscopy and b-NMR spectroscopy
Measurement of nuclear moments, spin and charge radii of radioactive isotopes
Experimental technique
courtesy of K. Flanagan COLLAPS collaboration
A RFQ cooler Expected ISCOOL transmission: 100% (less than 100nA)
Radius: a few mm Bunch time width: a few µs
Cold and bunched beams for Collaps
Current limiting factors for laser spectroscopy Background of scattered laser light detected by PMT ~2000/s. Detection efficiency within the light collection region. Broadening of lineshape due to voltage ripples. Within the light collection region the ion beam should have zero divergence (parallel beam) Currently the minimum ion beam diameter reached is ~6mm In order to maximize the detection efficiency good overlap between laser and ion beams is necessary This results in a high background level from scattered light K. Flanagan COLLAPS collaboration
Cold and bunched beams for Collaps
A reduction in the ion beam diameter will allow the laser to be reduced in diameter (and therefore power) with no detrimental effect on the detection efficiency. Immediate consequences for the detected background Bunching ions in the RFQ cooler Trap and accumulates ions – typically for 300 ms Releases ions in a 15 µs bunch Background suppression equal to the ratio of the trapping time to the bunch width 300ms/15 µs ~ 104 K. Flanagan COLLAPS collaboration
JYFL experiment K. Flanagan COLLAPS collaboration
III - Precision measurements
The ISOLTRAP penning trap spectrometer The beta –neutrino angular correlation measurements at LPC Caen, ISOLDE (WITCH) and at Triumf The 6He charge radius measurement at ANL The HITRAP project at GSI Electromagnetic traps as a precision measurement tool
The ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer
Carbon cluster ion source RFQ cooler buncher Cooling Penning trap Precision Penning trap MCP1 MCP3 MCP5 2.8 keV ion bunches Precision measurement of wc=qB/m Stable alkali reference ion source Precision trap ISOLDE beam 60 keV
Ion motion manipulation
TOF vs. excitation frequency Scan QP-excitation freq. nrf about nc Magnetron excitation Quadrupolar excitation nrf Radial energy axial energy Magnetron excitation: r Cyclotron excitation: r+ TOF resonance Relative accuracy: (dm/m) £ 10-7
The physical aims The mass as a fundamental quantity for
Reactions (Q values) Nuclear models Nuclear Structure (S2n)– shell closure, magic numbers, deformations, IMME… Astrophysics - waiting points, decay rates Weak interaction physics - Tests of CVC and the unitarity of the CKM matrix
Refinement of the mass surface
S2n=B(N,Z)-B(N-2,Z) N = 50 shell closure Deformation
Mid-shell effects around N=40
Cu,Ga, Ni isotopic chains measured – Céline Guénault et al, in preparation
FT value measurements Superallowed b transitions: 0+ -> 0+
Comparative half-life corrected ft Is constant in the CVC hypothesis dR radiative correction dC isospin symmetry-breaking correction DRV nucleus independent radiative correction f~Q5
From Klaus Blaum, NUPAC meeting at ISOLDE 2005/10/11
CVC test ISOLTRAP mass measurements 22Mg → 22Na : dQ=0.28 keV, 34Ar → 34Cl : dQ=0.41 keV, 74Rb → 74Kr : dQ=4.5 keV CVC hypothesis confirmed in this mass region [I.S. Towner & J.C. Hardy, Phys. Rev. C 71, (2005)] Limit from QEC(38Ca) 62Ga JYFLTRAP LEBIT 38Ca CPT 46V 66As 74Rb 34Ar 22Mg From Klaus Blaum, NUPAC meeting at ISOLDE 2005/10/11 F. Herfurth et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 15, 17 (2002) A. Kellerbauer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.93, (2004) M. Mukherjee et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004) T. Eronen et al., to be published (2005) G. Savard et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, (2005)
The b-n angular correlation in nuclear b decay
Test of the V-A theory Sensitive to exotic interactions S,T Pure Fermi transitions Pure Gamow Teller transitions V-A aF=1 V-A aGT=-1/3 Johnson et al. (1963!) Adelberger et al. (1999) 32Ar 6He & if & if
The b-n angular correlation in nuclear b decay
b decay spectrum a Fermi transition (DJ=0) Gamow-Teller transition (DJ=0±1) 46V qer=180° qer=0° 6He qer=180° qer=0°
A Paul trap as the center of the detection setup
LPCTRAP collaboration, at GANIL - Transparent Paul trap, UHV - Ions confined in the middle of the device, nearly at rest - In coincidence detection of the electron and the recoil ion Eb, tstart tstop qer b particle Recoil ion Beta telescope Silicone stripped detector + Scintillator MCP Delay lines anode In coincidence measurement of: the time of flight of the recoil ion tR the beta particle energy Eb the angle between these two particles qer Pierre Delahaye et al., Hyp. Int. 132(2001)479
Experimental setup SPIRAL beam LPCTRAP collaboration
RFQ cooler buncher pulse down Paul trap chamber SPIRAL beam HT LPCTRAP collaboration DSSD + scintillator 20 cm Monitor MCP MCP + DL anode "Ring" trap
First TOF spectrum LPCTRAP collaboration, at GANIL
conditioned spectrum (V-A theory) Oscar Naviliat, Scientific council of GANIL, June 2005
The WITCH retardation spectrometer
The WITCH experiment IKS Leuven at ISOLDE 35Ar decay Search for scalar interaction Recoil ion energy spectrum D. Beck NIM A 503(2003)567
The TRINAT experiment at TRIUMF
A MOT as the center of the detection setup J. Behr et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 375 A. Gorelov et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, e- shakeoff From Dan Melconian, PhD, Triumf
6He - Single Atom Spectroscopy
Courtesy of Peter Müller, Argonne Nat. Lab 6He - Single Atom Spectroscopy Single atom signal One 6He atom 6He spectroscopy ~150 6He in 1 hr 6He 7Li3+ 60 MeV 6He ATLAS Graphite ~ 1´106 / s Photon counter Zeeman slower MOT Transverse cooling 389 nm 1083 nm Atom Trapping of 6He 6He trapping rate ~ 2 / min RF - Discharge Kr carrier gas He* Spectroscopy 389 nm 2 3S1 1 1S0 2 3P2 3 3P2 Trap 1083 nm He level scheme
6He - Nuclear Charge Radius
Isotope shift (23S1 - 33P2, 6He – 4He) (56) MHz 6He rms charge radius 2.054(14) fm (0.7%) Model independent! Atomic isotope shift This work Experiment Reaction collision Tanihata ‘92 Elastic collision Alkhazov ‘97 Csoto ‘93 Funada ‘94 Cluster models Varga ‘94 Wurzer ‘97 Theory Esbensen ‘97 No-core shell model Navratil ‘01 Quantum MC Pieper ’05 priv. comm. L.-B. Wang et al., PRL 93, (2004)
The HITRAP Project for Highly Charged Ions GSI Darmstadt
Courtesy of W. Quint and the HITRAP collaboration UNILAC experiments with particles at rest or at low energies cooler Penning trap post- decelerator SIS 400 MeV/u stripper target EXPERIMENTS WITH HIGHLY CHARGED IONS AT EXTREMELY LOW ENERGIES: stable and radioactive isotopes collisions at very low velocities, surface studies laser and x-ray spectroscopy g-factor measurements of the bound electron fundamental constants mass measurements of extreme accuracy polarization of radionuclides, decay spectroscopy of highly charged radionuclides U92+ U73+ U92+ ESR electron cooling and deceleration down to 4 MeV/u
Operational Parameters:
HITRAP at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR Courtesy of W. Quint and the HITRAP collaboration Precision trap Operational Parameters: Deceleration from 4 MeV/u to keV/u HCI with M/q 3 Beam intensity: some 105 ions/pulse for U92+ Repetition time: 10 s MAX- EBIS Other experimental setups (beam line height: 1.25 m) 5 keV*q Re-injection channel LEBT 4 main components: Energy buncher to adapt the bunchlength to the IH requirements – main source of loss (2/3 are lost!) IH LINAC that will be build by Ratzinger RFQ -> Schempp plus some elements that keep the beam together Cooler trap at 4K NEW: The second harmonic buncher will be there from the start due to interesting offers for the needed amplifiers NEW: We have to shift the whole setup further downstream to make space for PHELIX This has been made possible also by shortening the low energy transfer line using electrostatic optics NEW: Found a scheme how to trap at least 2.5 macrobunches of the ESR in a rather short trap (<0.5 m ) vertical beam line
GSI Future Project FAIR: FLAIR - Facility for Low-Energy Antiproton and Ion Research
NESR Pbar & ions 30 – 400 MeV LSR: Standard ring Min. 300 keV (CRYRING) USR Electrostatic Min 20 keV (MPI KP HD) HITRAP Pbars and ions Stopped & 5 keV (under construction for ESR) energy range: 400 MeV – 1 meV
Conclusion Intensive studies of Mass separators, charge breeders and ion coolers for the next generation facilities are going on Electromagnetic traps are particularly suited for precision experiments The advanced techniques for radioactive ion beam manipulation: a field in effervescence! Thank you for your attention!
Thanks to my colleagues
REX-ISOLDE R. Savreux, T. Sieber, F. Wenander, D. Voulot, P. Delahaye and the REX-ISOLDE collaboration The IS397 collaboration C. J. Barton, K. Connell,T. Fritioff, O. Kester, T. Lamy, M. Lindroos, M. Marie-Jeanne, P. Sortais, P. Suominen, G. Tranströmer, F. Wenander, P. Delahaye, … ISOLTRAP G.Audi, K. Blaum, G. Bollen, D.Beck, C. Guénaut, F. Herfurth, A. Herlert, A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge, D. Lunney, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, C. Weber, C. Yazidijan , P. Delahaye ..., the ISOLTRAP and ISOLDE collaboration LPC CAEN (LPCtrap collaboration) Gilles Ban, Guillaume Darius, Dominique Durand, Xavier Flechard, Mustapha Herbane, Marc Labalme, Etienne Lienard, François Mauger, Alain Mery, Oscar Naviliat, Pierre Delahaye Gilles Ban, Guillaume Darius, Pierre Delahaye, Dominique Durand, Xavier Flechard, Mustapha Herbane, Marc Labalme, Etienne Lienard, François Mauger, Alain Mery, Oscar Naviliat
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