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Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 1 Combined DAQ & DAQ Task force Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University, Japan)

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Presentation on theme: "Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 1 Combined DAQ & DAQ Task force Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University, Japan)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 1 Combined DAQ & DAQ Task force Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University, Japan)

2 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 2 All CALICE Tech. proto. are based on the same chip family – ROC chips by Omega There existed a common DAQ elec. by UK Needs for common DAQ –Minimal effort in total –Common TB (towards real experiment) –Hybrid (Si + Sc) Groups are rival as well as collaborators –Need ‘neutral’ common system – difficult –Kyushu is at good position for neutralness Combined DAQ: overview

3 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 3 Nov. 26 – Dec. 8, 2014, CERN PS –2 nd period of Scintillator testbeam 15 Sc layers (3 EBU + 12 HBU) 1 Si layer (FEB8, from Kyushu) Sc + Si TB at CERN

4 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 4 Si and Sc DAQ Si CCC SKIROC2SPIROC2 Si DIFsSc DIFs GDCC/LDA xLDA PC Sc CCC Flexi cable HDMI Ethernet Coaxial Clock Readout cycle Spill

5 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 5 Independent CCC board for Si and Sc –Difference on fast command specification (should be fixed later) Clock - Sc clock output connected to Si Spill & busy –Sc CCC creates output of “Readout cycle (RC)” TTL signal by (Spill & !Busy) to Si CCC –All busy from Sc layers combined at Sc CCC –Si converts RC up to start, down to stop –Si busy is not treated Synchronization of clock/spill

6 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 6 Combined DAQ for Si + Sc Run control Labview calicoes/pyrame Sc hardwareSi hardware Sc dataSi data Data collector LCIO file(s) Event display (not finalized) start/stop EUDAQ start/stop run #

7 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 7 Screenshot of EUDAQ Master PC (Linux): EUDAQ + CALICOES (Silicon) Slave PC (Windows): LabView (Scintillator) Successfully took data for more than a week

8 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 8 Output files

9 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 9 A quick result – BX sync Muon beam, All Sc hits to be compared with Si hits ~ 1000 Readout cycles accumulated Detailed analysis including tracking of Si+Sc is ongoing Hits to be combined Combinatorial

10 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 10 Talk to Labview is not efficient –Maybe better to directly talk to LDA BUSY treatment –Si busy cannot be used now –Common CCC is better to treat busy CCC specification should be common Online monitoring / quality check More layers of silicon Well-defined LCIO structure Combined DAQ: ToDo

11 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 11 CALICE DAQ Task Force

12 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 12 The first trial is successful, but many adhocs –Independent CCC –No busy synchronization Task force for CALICE-wide DAQ formed –Silicon: Remi, Frederic, TS (coordinator) –Scintillator: Mathias, Jiri –SDHCAL: Laurent Next TB: Si+SDHCAL next year (probably) Next step: CALICE DAQ TF

13 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 13 The goal of to deliver the proof that the following combinations of running are possible, SiW-Ecal/SDHCAL, SiW-Ecal/AHCAL (or equivalently SiW-Ecal/ScW-Ecal), ScW-Ecal/AHCAL. DAQ task Force is to work out a set of technical questions (hardware and software) and propose and enact concrete means to answer these questions, based on the hardware that is currently available. It is asked to the group to report regularly at the Technical Board and provide a documentation summarising the solutions after one year. In the second year, the task consist in the critical expertise of the running setups of the combined tests. Task Force: Mandate

14 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 14 SiECALScE/AHCALSDHCAL Manpower****** StrategyMinimal modFull replaceMinimal mod CCCUK originalZedBoardDCC CCC clock50 MHz40 MHz50 MHz 8b/10b encodeyesNoyes BX clock (TB)2.5 MHz250 kHz DIF-LDAHDMI USB+HDMI? LDAGDCCZedBoardRaspberry+DCC LDA-PCEthernet rawTCP SoftwareCalicoesLabview (tentative) DIM (from DELPHI) Personal comparison

15 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 15 Common master clock frequency –To assure simultaneous BX counting Common BX clock frequency BUSY treatment  Common CCC? or just clock synchronization? High level DAQ software (EUDAQ?) –Run control, event building, run number, monitoring,… Common data format (LCIO class) Partial or optional sharing of firmware and software etc. Things to be considered

16 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 16 After the first meeting, my impression is that reaching to the agreement about things shown in the previous slide is not easy.  we need some time to get consensus We will firstly get informed more about each system, by reporting about each system from each expert. Monthly regular meeting with flexibility to change the frequency. How to Proceed

17 Taikan Suehara, CALICE electronics and DAQ WS, 16 Dec. 2014 page 17 Effort to re-integrate CALICE DAQ is critical towards combined TB and real ILC detector. First trial of Si+Sc combination was successful though some issues remained. We shall move to more generic CALICE DAQ with an experts’ Task Force. Any inputs/opinions from experts/non- experts are highly welcome.Summary

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