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HOME Pre-Submittal Conference October 9, 2015 1. Agenda 10:00Introductions 10:10Program/Application Review 10:30Questions 10:55Adjourn 2.

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Presentation on theme: "HOME Pre-Submittal Conference October 9, 2015 1. Agenda 10:00Introductions 10:10Program/Application Review 10:30Questions 10:55Adjourn 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOME Pre-Submittal Conference October 9, 2015 1

2 Agenda 10:00Introductions 10:10Program/Application Review 10:30Questions 10:55Adjourn 2

3 Funding  Approximately $350,000  15% of the total is set aside for a CHDO organization  Agencies awarded funding have two years to have all other funds committed  Agencies awarded funding have five years to fully spend the funds 3

4 Stakeholders List  Contact Janet Snook to be added to the stakeholder list  Notified of changes to this RFA  Informed of future funding opportunities  4

5 Application Submittal  Applications submitted through ZoomGrants  Applications available only through:  Link on Clark County website  Directly at 5

6 New this year  Anti-Lobbying Certification form required  Library of supporting documents available on County website AND ZoomGrants  HOME Guidelines  CDBG and HOME Comparison  CDBG Needs and Strategic Plan Goals  2015 Income and Rent Limits  UCPB Guidelines  Evergreen Sustainable Development Standards 6

7 Important Dates Pre-Applications Due through ZoomGrants October 30, 2015 Applications Due through ZoomGrants December 15, 2015 Project Review/Program Presentations February 9, 2016 UCPB Selection and Recommendations March 8, 2016 HUD Funding AwardJuly 2016 Contract Execution August 2016 (or when all other funding is committed) 7

8 Evaluation & Selection  Internal administrative review  Agency turnover  Weaknesses identified in prior onsite reviews  Cash flow  Audits  Evaluation and Recommendations from Urban County Policy Board (UCPB)  Based on 100 point scoring system 8

9 Questions?  All questions must be submitted in writing to:  Pete Munroe   Responses will be posted to the website within two business days  ml ml 9

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