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United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE Big Data Work Steven Vale UNECE

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1 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE Big Data Work Steven Vale UNECE


3 Big Data

4 Big Data Data sources with high volume, velocity and variety of data, which require new tools and methods to capture, curate, manage, and process them in an efficient way Source: UNECE and UNSD

5 What does Big Data mean for official statistics? Priorities:  Partnerships – Guidelines  Privacy – Guidelines  Quality – Guidelines  Skills – Survey Skills profile  IT / methodological issues - Sandbox

6 Sandbox  Irish Centre for High-end Computing is hosting a Big Data ‘sandbox’ containing data and tools for international experiments “Play is the highest form of research” – Einstein



9 Sandbox: Aims  Is remote access and processing a feasible approach for statistical production?  Can existing statistical standards / methods be applied to Big Data?  Which Big Data software tools are most useful for statistical organisations?  What are the potential uses, advantages and disadvantages of Big Data? “Learning by doing”  Can we build an international collaboration community on the use of Big Data for statistics?

10 Social Media Mobile Phones Prices Smart Meters Job Vacancies Web Scraping Traffic Loops

11 7 Sandbox Experiment Teams 75 Individuals from 25 countries / organisations 3 Task Teams Executive Board, Modernisation Committees 1 Project Manager 2 Coordinators Partners

12 Results

13 Project output available on UNECE Wiki

14 2015 Project  More sandbox experiments  More data UNSD Comtrade Wikipedia Twitter Enterprise web site data  Future of the sandbox approach “Sprint” – Cork, 22-24 June

15 2015 Project Challenge from the High-level Group: Produce and release a set of internationally comparable statistics from one or more Big Data sources By November 2015!

16 Get involved! Anyone is welcome to contribute! Contact: More Information  Big Data Wiki:  LinkedIn group: “Modernising official statistics”  Big Data Inventory:

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