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Ethylene Oxide. Regulated areas v Regulated areas must be created if employees may be exposed to ethylene oxide above the excursion limit 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethylene Oxide. Regulated areas v Regulated areas must be created if employees may be exposed to ethylene oxide above the excursion limit 1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethylene Oxide

2 Regulated areas v Regulated areas must be created if employees may be exposed to ethylene oxide above the excursion limit 1a

3 Requirements v Substance safety data sheet (Appendix A) v Substance Technical Guidelines (Appendix B) 2a

4 Requirements v Definitions: Ethylene oxideEthylene oxide Permissible exposure limitPermissible exposure limit Action levelAction level Excursion limitExcursion limit Engineering controlsEngineering controls Work practicesWork practices 2b

5 Detecting the presence of ethylene oxide v On-going monitoring depends upon contaminant levels above the: excursion limitexcursion limit action levelaction level 8-hour TWA8-hour TWA 3a

6 Detecting the presence of ethylene oxide v Monitoring may be stopped under some conditions v Employees must be told of monitoring results within 15 working days in one of two ways: in personin person through group postingsthrough group postings 3b

7 Detecting the presence of ethylene oxide v Written notification must include corrective actions 3c

8 Detecting the presence of ethylene oxide v Additional monitoring may be done whenever there is a change in: processesprocesses equipmentequipment personnelpersonnel work practiceswork practices 3d

9 Detecting the presence of ethylene oxide v Written plans must be in place if an employee is exposed at or above the TWA or excursion limit 3e

10 Physical hazards v Highly flammable v Highly explosive v Heavier than air 4a

11 Physical hazards v Immediate (acute) health hazards eye irritationeye irritation skin irritantskin irritant ingestioningestion inhalationinhalation 4b

12 Physical hazards v Observable effects: headacheheadache nauseanausea vomitingvomiting shortness of breath shortness of breath cyanosiscyanosis 4c

13 Health hazards v Long-term (chronic) health hazards carcinogencarcinogen reproductive health changesreproductive health changes mutagenicmutagenic 4d

14 Work practices v You should not wear contact lenses when working with ethylene oxide v Do not store or use cosmetics, lip balm, food items, beverages, or smoking items in regulated areas 5a

15 Work practices v Storage procedures v Prohibit sources of ignition v Use non-sparking tools 5b

16 Work practices v Do not incinerate ethylene oxide cartridges, tanks, containers v Flammable and combustible liquid regulations under 29 CFR 1910.106 5c

17 Work practices v Locations with ethylene oxide must follow Class I electrical safety practices 5d

18 Emergency procedures v Fire extinguishers and emergency showers must be readily available v First aid measures EyesEyes SkinSkin BreathingBreathing SwallowingSwallowing 6a

19 Emergency procedures v Remove ignition sources v Evacuate the area v Persons must wear appropriate PPE to enter clean-up area v Properly dispose of waste 6b

20 Personal protective equipment v PPE requires special attention v Impermeable clothing may be necessary v Decontamination procedures 7a

21 Personal protective equipment v Splashproof goggles are required in areas where liquid ethylene oxide is present v Training for hospitals and healthcare facilities 7b

22 Proper use and limitations of respirators v Respirators are required whenever engineering controls and work practices do not keep exposure levels below the TWA v Donning, use, limitations, doffing, decontamination, and storage 8a

23 Proper use and limitations of respirators v Ethylene oxide is odorless until the exposure limit has been exceeded by approximately 700 percent 8b

24 Medical surveillance v Medical surveillance is required for all employees who are exposed at or above the action level for at least 30 days 9a

25 Medical surveillance v Examinations will be: prior to assignment to an area where exposure may be at or above the action level for at least 30 days a yearprior to assignment to an area where exposure may be at or above the action level for at least 30 days a year at least annually where exposure may be at or above the action level for at least 30 days a yearat least annually where exposure may be at or above the action level for at least 30 days a year 9b

26 Medical surveillance v Examinations will be: at termination of employment or transfer to an area where exposure is not at or above the action level for at least 30 days a yearat termination of employment or transfer to an area where exposure is not at or above the action level for at least 30 days a year as appropriate for an emergency exposureas appropriate for an emergency exposure 9c

27 Medical surveillance v Examinations will be: on employee requeston employee request at intervals recommended by the company physicianat intervals recommended by the company physician 9d

28 Medical surveillance v Examinations will have, at a minimum: medical and work historiesmedical and work histories physical examinationsphysical examinations complete blood countcomplete blood count tests deemed necessary by the physiciantests deemed necessary by the physician 9e

29 Medical surveillance v Workers may request pregnancy testing or fertility evaluation at no cost v Related physical conditions not directly related to ethylene oxide may be included in examinations 9f

30 Medical surveillance v Employees will receive a copy of the physician’s written opinion within 15 working days v Records are kept for the duration of employment plus 30 years 9g

31 Hazard communication v Signs around regulated areas must read: 10a

32 Hazard communication v Report any faded or missing signs v Labels on containers should read: 10b

33 Hazard communication v Labels must have warning statements against breathing ethylene oxide v Know where to get copies of MSDSs 10c

34 Copies of the regulation v Know where to get a copy of the ethylene oxide regulation 11a

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