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MATÍS Food Research, Innovation & Safety. About Matís Food research company Founded in 2007 following the merger of three, former public food research.

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Presentation on theme: "MATÍS Food Research, Innovation & Safety. About Matís Food research company Founded in 2007 following the merger of three, former public food research."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATÍS Food Research, Innovation & Safety

2 About Matís Food research company Founded in 2007 following the merger of three, former public food research institutes: Private, non-profit, official public limited company Owned by the Icelandic government Number of employees 90

3 About Matís The Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories (IFL), which was an independent food research institute (Ministry of Fisheries) Matra which was a joint venture of IceTec and the Agricultural Research Institute RUST, the research division of the Environment and Food Agency (Ministry for the Environment) MATÍS also operates:  Prokaria, a private biotechnology  Iceprotein, a protein production company based in the northern part of Iceland.

4 Mergers – from 4 ministries IFL : Ministry of fisheries Matra : Ministry of agriculture and Ministry of industry RUST: Ministry of environment  4 ministries involved

5 Organization of MATÍS Finances Aðalbjörg E. Halldórsdóttir Food Safety environment and health Franklín Georgsson Biotechnology and new products Ragnar Jóhannsson Processing and Product Development Guðjón Þorkelsson Mannauðsstjórnun og innri ferlar Director Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir Board Fjármál og rekstur Markaðsmál Viðskiptaþróun Erfðatækni Líftækniafurðir Og ný matvæli Vöruþróun og Neytenda- rannsóknir Eldisrannsóknir Ný tækni og markaðir Vinnsla Örveru- Rannsóknir Efna- rannsóknir Ráðgjöf, upplýsinga- miðlun, áhættumat og gagnagrunnar

6 Matís locations 2 locations in Reykjavík 6 locations outside Reykjavik

7 Research and innovation in the food industry and technology Food processing Food products development and innovation in the food industry Aquaculture Consumer and food market developments Biotechnology of food products Biotechnology, DNA sequencing and animal genotyping

8 Research in Food safety: safe and wholesome food Microbiology analysis Chemicals analysis New and improved methods Monitoring Information to consumers, industry and authorities Risk & benefit assessment Risk communication Consultation

9 Co-operation Food Industry for Innovation in the Icelandic food Industry Universities Hostpitals and health system Research Institutes Health authorities Youngster education Ministries Organisations Puplic & Private Matís


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