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Needs of LSS in healthcare Jan Wiggers, Polacy Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Needs of LSS in healthcare Jan Wiggers, Polacy Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Needs of LSS in healthcare Jan Wiggers, Polacy Advisor

2 Comparance Health care is in fact a production company, although with different means and objectives as within the manufacturing industry. There are many processes in parallel; – there are more people involved in a process. – The tools used and materials will be different but the us of them must also be tuned WGV Zorg en Welzijn2

3 Simple and complex much can be gained by small processes Use of materials and protocols for for instance catheterization, injections etc. Processes with regard to distributing food appointments with several specialism's and use of equipment at hospitals But also in bigger perspective in the upcoming years WGV Zorg en Welzijn3

4 4 more care in 1st line activities are standardized more technical and social innovation leads applicability LSS from future developments Is your organization prepared for 2025? WMO law; Social Support Mantelzorg - Caregiving Domotica - domotics Jobcarving Growing use of Care by residents – lower budgets

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