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BCSM&Higa Ubeho RPOs COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE (COP) _____________ By: RUSANGANWA Léon Pierre PSF/BCSM Project Manager ____________________________________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "BCSM&Higa Ubeho RPOs COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE (COP) _____________ By: RUSANGANWA Léon Pierre PSF/BCSM Project Manager ____________________________________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCSM&Higa Ubeho RPOs COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE (COP) _____________ By: RUSANGANWA Léon Pierre PSF/BCSM Project Manager ____________________________________________________________

2 COP TASK FORCE TEAM Four Facilitators from RPOs -PSF -EPR -ADPR -RRP+ TWO Advisors -PSI -CHF Beyond advocacy

3 OBJECTIVES. To provide a forum for BCSM/Higa Ubeho RPOs to discuss issues and exchange information related to an aspect of practice. To create and/or share documents that promote best practices, such as Behavior Change practice guidelines, systematic reviews, journal articles, etc. To link with experts within and outside the country. To organize continuing education events that promotes best practices. To build partnership practice and research capacity.

4 COORDINATION OF THE CoP. The CoP is coordinated by a task force elected by members Task Force’s responsibilities : –Learn more about CoP: Learn what is already being done at RPO’s level –Disseminate information – Facilitate information sharing about CoP –Keep RPOs informed :Information systems –Resource to CoP : Facilitation guide CoPs –How to translate CoP into practice (Actions) –Develop a guide for self-evaluation –Guide Selection of the First Few Topics –Document best practices and lessons learned –To organize a midterm review on CoP after 3 months The Duration of the mandate of the Task force is 6 months

5 Facilitator and advisors. Role of Facilitators The CoP is Coordinated by : -Four Facilitators from RPOs -Two Advisors from International Partner Organizations They are volunteers to facilitate the CoPs. The facilitator doesn’t have to be an expert in the area of practice, but it is important that he/she has an interest in the practice area and wishes to develop a community to encourage best practices. The facilitator will be the key person to maintain the momentum in the CoP. - CoPs can be more than one according to themes

6 Responsibilities of Facilitators in CoP Review these Terms of reference for approval by the CoP. Technical support will be provided by International Partners (CCP, CHF and PSI). Facilitating group discussions about the domain and practices the CoP will address, and developing specific objectives. Encouraging relationship building among the group by facilitating contacts and exchanges between members both in the public spaces of the CoP as well as individually with members. Sending out regular messages to all CoP members about the current focus of the group or any upcoming activities to encourage participation. Monitoring group discussion to ensure that communication is appropriate and respectful. Results based

7 Result based Members OF THE CoPs -All RPOs. -they can be individuals from RPOs who have an interest in the domain and practices of the CoP, and are willing to contribute to the work of the group. Members will be expected to: Participate in the ongoing discussions of the group on a regular basis. Share their expertise, and any documents or other resources they have which will be useful to all members. Evaluation and Measurement - The level of participation in email discussion, presentations and meetings; the range of members involved; attendance at meetings; - Outputs achieved, such as better practice checklists and toolkits; - And Member satisfaction. Others

8 Closing a Community of Practice. The group is no longer active; It has achieved its principal purpose; It has been assessed by as no longer serving its original purpose, It is no longer considered to be an organizational priority, It has drifted from its agreed mission.

9 Thank You for your attention. ______________.

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