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The Nature of Data and Information 11 IPT Miss O’Grady.

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1 The Nature of Data and Information 11 IPT Miss O’Grady

2 Data  Information Data = Raw material entered into an information system. 7 Information Processes: Operate on the inputted data to transform it into information. The information coming out of one information system can then be used as data going into further information systems.

3 Data  Information The distinction between data and information is important. Example: An organisation may perform thousands of transactions each day, and record them using an information system. Simply making a printout of every transaction however, will not provide useful information for managers.

4 Data  Information The information processes of organising, analysing, processing and displaying help to convert data into information using methods such as: Choosing data pertinent to the problem Deleting irrelevant data Combining data Displaying data in an understandable way

5 Data  Information The data, and information used by an information system is of various types, each suited to different tasks.

6 Different Types of Media Media refers to something in the middle that is used to transmit a message of some sort. This is what the press does, it transmits news, a form of information, using TV, radio or print media. The term ‘multimedia’ is used to refer to information that combines text, sound, graphics and/or video.

7 Different Types of Media Different types of media commonly used by information systems, namely: Text Numbers Image Audio Video These provide a method for representing data and communicating information.

8 Different Types of Media Each media type conveys different information and it is used to represent different types of data, yet computers represent all types of media in binary.

9 Binary What is Binary? ‘Binary is a number system, just like the familiar decimal system, except rather than ten digits it uses only two, names 0 and 1’. Computers ultimately represent all the different types of media as a sequence of 0s and 1s. It is the way this data is organised that makes it meaningful and therefore able to be transformed into information.

10 Complete ‘Group Task- Discussion pg.54’.

11 Text The text media type is used to represent characters. These characters can be printable, such as letters of the alphabet, or non-printable, such as returns/enter or tabs. What makes data a candidate for the text media type? Any data that is composed of a string of distinct characters where the order of the characters is important but each character, when considered in isolation, has a constant meaning regardless of this order.

12 ASCII Handout- ‘The ASCII Table’ Example: The text ‘The cat sat on the mat’ would be likewise represented as 84 104 101 32 99 97 116 32 111 32 116 104 101 32 109 97 116 46 Read pg.56 of textbook. Explanation. Complete ‘Group Task- Activity’ pg. 56

13 Binary Code 1286432168421 01001001 64 + 8 + 1 = 73 ASCII for 73 = I

14 Numbers The number media type is used to represent integers (whole numbers), real numbers (decimal numbers), currency and even dates and times. Homework: Read and take notes on the individual numbers pg.57-58.

15 Images The image media type is used to represent data that will be displayed as visual information. Using the definition all information displayed on monitors and printed as hardcopy is represented as images. This is true, all monitors and printers are used to display image media, however text and numbers are organised into image data only in preparation for display.

16 Images There are essentially two different techniques for representing images; bitmap or vector.

17 Bitmap Bitmap images represent each element or dot in the picture separately. These dots are called pixels (short for picture element) and each pixel can be a different colour and is represented as a binary number. The number of colours present in an image has a large impact on the overall size of the binary representation. Example: A black and white image requires only a single bit for each pixel, 1 meaning black and 0 meaning white. For 256 colours, 8 bits are required for each pixel so the image would require 8 times the storage of a similarly sized black and white bitmap image.

18 Bitmap The resolution is the number of pixels the image contains and is usually expressed in terms of width by height. The image of the paintbrush has been enlarged having each pixel merely made larger. When using bitmap images it is vital to consider the likely display device to be used to determine the resolution required.

19 Vector Vector images represent each portion of the image mathematically. That is, the data used to generate the image is a mathematical description of each shape that makes up the final image. Each shape within a vector image is a separate object that can be altered without affecting other objects. Example: A single line within a vector image can be selected and its size, colour, position or any other property altered independent of the rest of the image.

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