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Effective Meetings and Project Evaluation J. Fernando Vega-Riveros, Ph.D. University of Puerto Rico Department of Electrical and Computer Engeineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Meetings and Project Evaluation J. Fernando Vega-Riveros, Ph.D. University of Puerto Rico Department of Electrical and Computer Engeineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Meetings and Project Evaluation J. Fernando Vega-Riveros, Ph.D. University of Puerto Rico Department of Electrical and Computer Engeineering ICOM5047 Design Project in Computer Engineering

2 Reflection  What is your experience with face- to-face, phone, fax, e-mail and handwritten communications?  Under what conditions you prefer each?  What is your experience with Web- based information exchange-Net meetings, instant messaging, Web discussiones. How well do these work for you? From Smith, K. A. Teamwork and Project Management 2 nd Ed. McGraw-Hill 2000

3 Meetings  Do meetings fulfill your expectations?  If so, explain how.  If not, why do meetings fail to meet your expectations?

4 How to run a meeting: The three step process  Before Plan Clarify meeting purpose and outcome Identify meeting participants Select methods and purpose Develop and distribute agenda Set up room

5 How to run a meeting: The three step process  During Start: check-in, review agenda, set or review ground rules, clarify notes Conduct: cover one item at a time, manage discussions, maintain focus and pace Close: summarize decisions, review action items, solicit agenda items for next meeting, review time and place for next meeting, evaluate the meeting, thank participants

6 How to run a meeting: The three step process  After Follow-up: distribute or post meeting notes promptly; file agendas, notes and other documents; do assignments

7 Interactive Skills Assessment and feedback  Behaviors to observe Initiating Proposing Building Reacting Supporting Disagreeing Defending/attacking Clarifying Testing understanding Summarizing Seeking information Giving information Process Shutting out Bringing in

8 Peer assessment: Constructive feedback  Acknowledge the need for feedback  Give postive feedback (give negative only if expicitly requested)  Understand context  Know when to give feedback  Know how to give feedback  Don’t use labels  Don’t exagerate  Don’t be judgemental  Speack for yourself  Talk first about yourself, not about the other person  Phrase the issue as a statement, not a question  Restrict your feedback to things you observed  Help people hear and accept your compliments when giving positive feedbak


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