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Health/Wellness Five Dimensions of Health Physical Emotional-mental Social Intellectual Spiritual.

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Presentation on theme: "Health/Wellness Five Dimensions of Health Physical Emotional-mental Social Intellectual Spiritual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health/Wellness Five Dimensions of Health Physical Emotional-mental Social Intellectual Spiritual


3 Dimensions of Wellness Depressed Unfit Lonely Ignorant Unfulfilled Emotional-mental Physical Social Intellectual Spiritual Happy Fit Involved Informed Fulfilled NegativeTotal OutlookPositive

4 Risk Factors

5 LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH Heart Disease Cancer Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease Stroke Accidents Alzheimer’s Disease Diabetes Nephritis Influenza and Pneumonia Suicide

6 Leading Causes of Death 15-24 Accidents Homicide Suicide Cancer Heart Disease

7 Leading Causes of Death 55 & Older Clogging of a ry Atherosclerotic build-up On\\\ Coronary Heart Disease: #1 Cancer: # 2 Stroke: #3

8 Why do the top 3 leading causes of death change between these 2 age groups? 15-24 year olds #1 ACCIDENTS #2 HOMICIDES #3 SUICIDES 55 years and older #1 HEART DISEASE #2 CANCER #3 STROKE

9 Accidents/Injuries Leading cause of death among younger segments of the population Motor vehicle fatalities are major risk –Drinking –Speeding –Inexperience –Carelessness Reducing risks of accidents –Don’t drink and drive –Wear seatbelts –Reduce driving speed –Wear bike helmets

10 Cardiovascular Disease Non-modifiable risk factors –sex –age –heredity Modifiable risk factors –smoking –hypertension –cholesterol –physical inactivity –Overweight While there are genetic influences for these factors, they are largely in our control and related to lifestyle.

11 Cancer A disease of the DNA! 2nd leading cause of death There are over 100 different types but 4 account for more than half of the illness and death caused by cancer.

12 FOUR STEPS OF BEHAVIORAL CHANGE #1 AWARENESS- become aware of the need to change the negative risk behavior. #2 KNOWLEGDE- accumulate information about the harmful behavior. #3 DECISION-MAKING decide to make the change from negative to positive. #4 APPLY THE SKILL put decision to change into action.

13 Principles of Prevention Adopt regular health habits Get regular check ups and health screens Consider anti-oxidant vitamins for additional protection Seek medical attention if symptoms are observed


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