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Gary L. Drasch K9DJT. Wikipedia: A cluster is a small group or bunch of something. In Ham Radio, especially DXers, it an international reporting system.

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Presentation on theme: "Gary L. Drasch K9DJT. Wikipedia: A cluster is a small group or bunch of something. In Ham Radio, especially DXers, it an international reporting system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gary L. Drasch K9DJT

2 Wikipedia: A cluster is a small group or bunch of something. In Ham Radio, especially DXers, it an international reporting system available on the internet showing stations either worked or heard within a geographic location. 2 G. Drasch - K9DJT09/08/14

3 3 G. Drasch - K9DJT Comments The station “posting” the spot The “spot” (Station Identified) Where worked or heard “Postings” from only ITU Zone 8

4 4 G. Drasch - K9DJT09/08/14 VE7CC DX Watch Google DX Cluster!

5 09/08/14 5 G. Drasch - K9DJT By Country By State By Frequency – by Mode

6 09/08/14 6 G. Drasch - K9DJT

7 09/08/14 7 G. Drasch - K9DJT CountryBand Mode This Station Click to look up highlighted spot on QRZ.COM

8 09/08/14 8 G. Drasch - K9DJT Fixed Symbols

9 09/08/14 9 G. Drasch - K9DJT Only Showing Spots from 30M up to 10M

10 09/08/14 10 G. Drasch - K9DJT Used as a Node Used as a Filtered Node

11 09/08/14 11 G. Drasch - K9DJT

12 09/08/14 12 G. Drasch - K9DJT Placing a “Spot” on the Cluster Short & Long Path Rotor Position and Distance to Station Auto-fill

13 13 G. Drasch - K9DJT09/08/14 ALE Window Main Operating Windows

14 09/08/14 14 G. Drasch - K9DJT Configurable -best during actual usage

15 09/08/14 15 G. Drasch - K9DJT Rotor Positioning Grey-line Position

16 09/08/14 16 G. Drasch - K9DJT

17 09/08/14 17 G. Drasch - K9DJT Clicking on a cell will show what is worked or Needed!

18 09/08/14 18 G. Drasch - K9DJT Sorted by Date Same Logbook - different layout

19 09/08/14 19 G. Drasch - K9DJT Sorted by LoTW Received date

20 09/08/14 20 G. Drasch - K9DJT Select View Only Available for the iPhone / iPad

21 09/08/14 21 G. Drasch - K9DJT Dit You are welcome to ask questions on the ORC Forum, or eMail me at

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