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The Roman Empire Chapter 12. How did having one official language, Latin, help the empire?

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman Empire Chapter 12. How did having one official language, Latin, help the empire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roman Empire Chapter 12

2 How did having one official language, Latin, help the empire?

3 aided government, trade, and military campaigns because everyone used the same language

4 What three factors contributed to the growth of trade in the Roman Empire?

5 travel, raw materials, currency, Roman coins were widely accepted

6 Where did the majority of people in the Romans Empire live? How did they make a living?

7 on small farms; growing only enough food for themselves

8 What is the term for a legal system that is based on a written code of laws?

9 civil law

10 What problems plagued Rome in the 70s BC?

11 wars, breakdown of political order, unemployment, riots, hunger, overcrowding

12 How might a poor citydweller have felt about the label Pax Romana?

13 possible answer--might have felt it was not a good label, because living in the city could be dangerous and therefore not very peaceful

14 How might Cicero have been more successful in his efforts to improve Rome?

15 possible answer-- appeal more to people's self-interest

16 What happened to Roman law after the empire ended?

17 continued to exist and influenced present-day law codes around the world

18 What was the largest city in the Roman Empire? What is an example of one of the small cities?

19 Rome; Pompeii

20 People in the city of Rome needed raw materials, where did they come from?

21 the provinces

22 How has Latin influenced present-day European and American languages?

23 Latin developed into Romance languages, used widely throughout Europe, and influenced English.

24 What event marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire?

25 the naming of Augustus

26 When did Marc Antony and Octavian become enemies?

27 Marc Antony divorced Octavian's sister

28 Who was Cicero?

29 a philosopher and orator who wanted to make Rome a better place

30 What position did Caesar first hold in the government?

31 general

32 Who worked the villa owner's fields?

33 slaves

34 Why did Caesar cross the Rubicon with his army?

35 He knew he would be arrested when he returned to Rome, so he entered with his army to fight instead.

36 Why did rich Romans want villas?

37 to visit when they wanted a break from their responsibilities or the city's crowds

38 What is an example of an important medical discovery during the Roman Empire?

39 Galen's description of the valves of the heart and the differences between arteries and veins

40 Why might a historian say that the Romans' talent for building large structures is directly related to aspects of Roman society?

41 possible answer--Romans gathered in large groups for various purposes, such as participating in government and recreation. These activities required large building to house the large crowds. Arches, vaults, and domes enabled the construction of these buildings.

42 What architectural features were used more on Roman buildings than Greek ones?

43 Vaults, domes

44 What kind of economic resources did Romans want?

45 gold, good farmlands, and other valuable resources

46 What emperor built a wall to defend against the Celts?

47 Hadrian

48 Why do you think a Roman sailor would be glad that Rome controlled the entire Mediterranean Sea?

49 possible answer-- because there would be few pirates and many friendly ports

50 What are the territories that Rome conquered called?

51 provinces

52 How were Romans able to increase the size of their buildings?

53 by using combinations of arches and vaults they could create huge open areas within a building

54 What are four types of art at which the Romans excelled?

55 possible answers-- mosaics, paintings, frescoes, portraits, sculpture

56 What was the Pax Romana, and how long did it last?

57 a peaceful period during which there were no major wars or rebellions in the Roman Empire, the quality of life for Romans improved; about 200 years

58 Why was cement such a useful material?

59 It was very hard and watertight when it dried.

60 Who were two great Roman writers?

61 Ovid, Virgil

62 What trade routes were probably faster-- overland on the Silk Road or by sea?

63 possible answer-- depends on the distance, but sea routes are usually faster

64 What did Rome ship out of its ports?

65 goods made by artisans, including jewelry, glass, and clothing

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