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Cooperation National Institute of Research and Development for Physics and Nuclear Engineering ``Horia Hulubei”, Bucharest and Department of Applied Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperation National Institute of Research and Development for Physics and Nuclear Engineering ``Horia Hulubei”, Bucharest and Department of Applied Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperation National Institute of Research and Development for Physics and Nuclear Engineering ``Horia Hulubei”, Bucharest and Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences Ghent University, Belgium 1993-2007

2 First contacts First meeting Liviu Ixaru and Guido Vanden Berghe in the railway station of Gent-Sint-Pieters in 1993(?) First meeting Liviu Ixaru and Guido Vanden Berghe in the railway station of Gent-Sint-Pieters in 1993(?) First short stay of Liviu in Gent delivering on December 8 1993 a lecture entitled: Piecewise perturbation method for the numerical solution of Schrödinger equations. First short stay of Liviu in Gent delivering on December 8 1993 a lecture entitled: Piecewise perturbation method for the numerical solution of Schrödinger equations. End of 1994 stay of Liviu Ixaru in Gent for several months; he was lecturing for PhD-students on Numerical methods for y”=f(x,y) End of 1994 stay of Liviu Ixaru in Gent for several months; he was lecturing for PhD-students on Numerical methods for y”=f(x,y)

3 From 1998-2001 Highly efficient software for operations on oscillatory functions First bilateral agreement between Romania at one side and Ghent and Leuven (R. Cools) at the other side sponsored by the Flemish Government with following stays Ixaru 1/9/1999-31/8/2000 (Ghent) Ixaru 1/9/1999-31/8/2000 (Ghent) Rizea 1/10/1999-30/11/1999 (Ghent) Rizea 1/10/1999-30/11/1999 (Ghent) Ixaru 1/9/2001-28/2/2002 (Leuven) with cooperation with KyungJoong Kim Ixaru 1/9/2001-28/2/2002 (Leuven) with cooperation with KyungJoong Kim

4 October 11-18 2000 Working visit of Guido Vanden Berghe to Bucherest and visit of the National Institute of Research and Development for Physics and Nuclear Engineering ’Horia Hulubei”, Bucharest with lecture Exponentially-fitted Runge-Kutta methods: definitions and applications

5 Dacia, Bucharest, Carpatians

6 End symposium Symposium Highly efficient software for operations on oscillatory functions” (Gent 29-30 november 2001)



9 Book Published in 2004 Published in 2004 With visit of Guido Vanden Berghe to Bucharest in January for the last discussions With visit of Guido Vanden Berghe to Bucharest in January for the last discussions

10 2005-2008 Second bilateral agreement between Ghent and Bucharest, entitled Special algorithms for solving Schrödinger and Sturm-Liouville equations and development of a MATLAB toolbox with very accurate software Visits in that period of M. Rizea and L. Ixaru

11 March 14-20 2005 Visit of Veerle Ledoux, Marnix Van Daele and Guido Vanden Berghe to Bucharest for a week

12 Peles castle

13 PhD thesis Begin 2007 Liviu Ixaru was member of the examination commission for the PhD thesis of Veerle Ledoux entitled Study of special algorithms for solving Sturm-Liouville and Schrödinger equations

14 Publications 14 joint papers in the period 1995-2007 in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Computer Physics Communications and Physical Review E

15 Wed Jan16 Th Jan17 Fri Jan 18 9.30-10.30GheriVertse Vigo Aguiar 10.30-11.30El-DaouScottPaternoster 11.30-12.00CoffeeCoffeeCoffee 12.00-13.00IxaruMarlettaRandez 13.00-14.00LunchLunchLunch 14.00-15.00Rizea Van de Vijver 15.00-16.00 Van Daele Calvo 16.00-16.30CoffeeCoffee 16.30-17.30 Vanden Berghe Ledoux

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