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Practical recommendations to potential applicants TEMPUS IV- SIXTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS TEMPUS INFORMATION DAY.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical recommendations to potential applicants TEMPUS IV- SIXTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS TEMPUS INFORMATION DAY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical recommendations to potential applicants TEMPUS IV- SIXTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS TEMPUS INFORMATION DAY

2  Working with Project idea(s) & Project background  How to avoid MOST common mistakes  Some remarks on how to make project proposal sound and strong  Partner search and support from NTO  When to start project application Presentation plan

3  National  National/regional priorities in Call VI national 1.How your project ideas are coherent with national & regional priorities: Yes/No and How?  Problem statement /NEEDs Analysis  Problem statement /NEEDs Analysis: 1.Bring facts and figures. 2.What your project ideas are in lined with current policies of government entities. NBNo double funding 3.What has/have been done before or in existence in the core areas of your project ideas. NB: No double funding!!! 4.Who the target groups/stake-holders of your project are 5.What will be the outcome (s) of this project Working with Project IDEA(S) & Project background

4  Remember that only information presented in the application will be assessed  Do not assume prior technical or “historical project related” knowledge on the part of the assessor  Avoid from general concepts and statements. Be precise and explicit with your statements/remarks in the narrative of your project. Use available spaces wisely.  Put everything in a good structure. Use bullet points to constitute equally important aspects of your proposal  Many proposals fail to make clear and well structured needs analysis How to Avoid MOST common mistakes

5  Brainstorming  Brainstorming while preparing your application  Proofreading  Proofreading by external reviewer  Be clear  Be clear (avoid abbreviations/acronyms and patchworks – copy/paste)  Fairrole sharing  Fair role sharing  Visibility and sustainability  Use available spaces in e-application form wisely Some remarks on how to make project proposal sound and strong

6  Partner Search: What institution / what key areas of specialization / Relevant Experience  Support and assistance from NTO (: project ideas, partner search, needs analysis Partner Search and Support from NTO

7 As early as possible Set a realistic time-frame for project preparation (including reception of Mandates from partners) Get information on technical requirements for on-line submission as early as possible Establish methodology: who will develop what part (narrative, financial, attachments, etc.) Decide on the communication strategy Decide WHO will write the draft; complete the eForm; submit the eForm and attachments When to start project application

8 Thank you for your attention Any QUESTIONS? Success with your proposals !

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