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Preparing Your High School Students for the New MME MACAE Alternative Education One-Day Workshop Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Effective Online Tools for.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Your High School Students for the New MME MACAE Alternative Education One-Day Workshop Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Effective Online Tools for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Your High School Students for the New MME MACAE Alternative Education One-Day Workshop Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Effective Online Tools for Algebra Remediation Barbara Fardell, Educational Technology Manager Michigan Department of Education

2 12/7/2015 2 A Vision of K-12 Students Today” – Teacher Tube Vision of 21 st Century K-12 Students - YouTube The Next “Shift Happens”

3 12/7/2015 3 Your Students and the MMC 4 Years of Math –Algebra I –Geometry –Algebra II –Any math – can be taken as 9 th grade student

4 12/7/2015 4 Enhancing Ed Through Tech EETT Grants –How Ed Tech moves into curriculum area –Pockets of Excellence vs Helping All Students

5 12/7/2015 5 Free Resources via EETT Grants MSO – Michigan Schools Online –Online courses –MORE Portal MVU – Scholarships! One-to-One Institute

6 12/7/2015 6 MSO – MI Schools Online Implemented through the work of the REMC Association and Genesee ISD Requested by MDE to serve ALL Michigan School Districts in an effort to expand online instruction

7 12/7/2015 7 MI Schools Online Identify Barriers Identify Needs Remove Barriers Provide for Needs

8 12/7/2015 8 Survey Shows:

9 12/7/2015 9 Survey Shows:

10 12/7/2015 10 Removing the Barriers Deliver Online Instruction with Teachers Already Employed by the District Identify and provide low cost, high quality content

11 12/7/2015 11 Survey Shows:

12 12/7/2015 12 Survey Shows:

13 12/7/2015 13 Solution! MSO will provide a free Algebra I credit remediation course MSO will provide free training for teachers to deliver this course in a blended or totally virtual environment – over 175 teachers to date!

14 12/7/2015 14 Algebra I Remediation Course Algebra Course Demo –To access demo of free Aventa Algebra Remediation course please contact your REMC Director

15 12/7/2015 15 On the horizon! Algebra Intervention + PD –If you are interested in participating in pilot contact Karen Hairston at Digital Curriculum Pilot(s) Additional low cost content

16 12/7/2015 16 Free Online Resources MIT Open CourseWare for high schoolsMIT Open CourseWare Hippocampus Alison

17 12/7/2015 17 Low Cost Content Epic Learning –All core –Includes LMS –Supplemental or Full Course

18 12/7/2015 18 How Can MSO Assist YOU? How do your teachers (or you!) sign up for the online PD course? –Ask your REMC Director or –Contact Barb Fardell at

19 12/7/2015 19 How Can MSO Assist YOU? You will find info for accessing the Algebra I course on the MSO Portal You will also find (soon) resources for online learning/teaching/tech integration, etc.

20 12/7/2015 20 GenNET REMC Online Project available throughout the stateREMC Online Project Teacher led, self paced –Many providers –Low cost Low cost IT

21 12/7/2015 21 Math/Science Curriculum MVU –Typically provides Math/Science summer school opportunities –This year will have additional scholarships for online courses Contact Jamey Fitzpatrick @

22 12/7/2015 22 Where’s the Portal? MSO BetaBeta –Your REMC Director will be the best resource for information on the MSO Grant.

23 12/7/2015 23 One-to-One Initiative Managed by the One-to-One InstituteOne-to-One Institute Provides PD and Consulting for moving toward a one to one environment and also on technology integration All services are at NO COST to the districts!

24 12/7/2015 24 MORE! MORE is for teachers MORE is for administrators MORE is even for parents! MORE brings resources to teachers quickly, easily, and ALIGNED to the MI Content Expectations!

25 12/7/2015 25 More on MORE! MORE now has over 8,000 resources MORE will soon have 55,000 more resources! Thinkfinity has given these to Michigan to add to our portal

26 12/7/2015 26 Let’s take a look! Go to Click on MORE at the bottom of the page The rest is easy!

27 12/7/2015 27 Why MORE? Aligned Resources! Having resources aligned to the MI Content Expectations is the value of MORE We need your help! Contact Barb Fardell if you would like to host an alignment workshop

28 12/7/2015 28 In Honor of Veterans’ Day A Pittance of Time Video honoring all Vets

29 QUESTIONS? For clarification on any of these slides please contact Barb Fardell at

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